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Posts posted by cmo727

  1. Background: Since the whole Covid situation, I have been posting short, live messages weekly for youth & children. Dream: I was in a room at the church about to go live for my youth message when a senior pastor from our district bursts in the room with a production crew & all the equipment to do a professional broadcast. He handed me some papers & said, "Use this, we go live in 2 minutes!" I looked at the papers & it was one of my recent messages. I said, "This is my message, why do you have this & why am I doing this message?" He said we didn't have time to discuss we were going live. So, we start the live. I got the introduction out when more people started coming through the doors. It was the district superintendent, his wife, the district women's director & the district youth director & his wife. They were all excited, I was so confused why they were all there. Then my pastor from when I was young was there. I asked him what was going on? Why was everyone here? He said, "You have a message that needs to be heard. They're here to help you get it out there! This message is vital!" I woke up. I can see what some would consider just obvious messages in this dream, "I have a message." But I feel there's more to this dream than just that. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  2. I was watching kids in my front yard I turned around and one kid was dead face down in the mud. I never even saw the kids face or who it was. Then my old Youth Pastor & his wife showed up and they claimed it was their kid and they put me on trial and I was going to jail. But then I was proven innocent in the matter and then everyone was gone and I was back at my house.

    The grass was kind of high and it felt like spring. I was on the side of the house closer to my cousin's house when I saw a giant, brown and gold snake. It's stomach was probably the height of a large truck. I was scared, like a deep fear and I was trying not to wake it. I could tell it was moving, but I never saw it's head. It's stomach looked like it was breathing. I then went around to the back of the house, I cant remember what I was trying to do, but then all these other small snakes started showing up and I never made it to the front of the house to see the snake.

    Then it's like in my dream, once I reached a certain part of the back of the house it would take me back to that one spot close to my cousin's house on the back side of the snake and replay.

    I just keep seeing that snake at the front of the house and it's bothering me

  3. The two situations:
    My first thought was this represented my marriage. It has been a struggle for many years & it came to a head this weekend.

    Secondly, I've been running a ministry with 2 others that has basically not been very productive except twice a year at certain events. We were discussing a kind of a revamp & branching out more aggressively.

    I was definitely more ashamed of the marriage/husband than the ministry.

  4. I was on a dock at the river and I went into labor. I gave birth to a stillborn. I kept saying he died because he wasn't covered with water. I began to panic. I was sobbing. I was trying to figure out a way to get to the hospital as soon as possible before the other child was born. I felt like their life was in danger. I had to get on a boat to try and find the hospital. I was going up the river. I remember my mom was there and she kept saying, "I'm so sorry! I don't know why things happen the way they do, God has a reason though." I remember the first baby that was born looked like a troll kind of and I was hoping that no one noticed his appearance. I was embarrassed at how ugly he appeared. I was very upset and felt afraid that I wouldn't reach the hospital in time to save the other baby.

    Then I woke up.

    Thanks for your thoughts on this!
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