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Posts posted by the_sign

  1. The reason for "Melting Cat" as a title as regards the posting date of March 29, 2012 A.D. has to do with the coming chastisement of fire foretold in 2 Peter 3:10-14.  My life was becoming something of a broken mess again during 2012 A.D., culminating in the attack foretold in Daniel 11:40 on November 8, 2012 A.D.  I was attacked by an injured king at that time, but he still was capable of having me held his captive for 699 days, during which time I had the strength to look that Epistle reading of 2 Peter dead in the eye and I wrote this :

    3rd post down at this link

    The grey cat's name is Grey, and he was severely injured, one of three we called "pinkies" because of their pink noses.  From the injury which we could not quite pinpoint, Grey developed a ghastly hiss as a defense.

    God bless.

  2. Two nights ago I had a similar dream with a bunch of cats of various sizes seeming to be part of a multiplication epidemic which basically seemed to eminate from a small trailer truck which had only just arrived in the dream. I noticed that they looked like our once very feral cat Smokie.

    I personally think, given the proximity of similar dreams and their content, that perhaps your problem centers upon illegal immigration.

  3. The unable part, the feeling of powerlessness, this has been a recurring theme in many dreams in the past ca. 8 years.

    For me it has usually been a cell phone or computer that seems to go haywire, rendering any attempts to communicate futile.

    Lately I shop in the Amish country about once a week, and Nostradamus wrote of my being vexed by a rash scoundrel.

    Problem is, I've seem to have known more than one.

    My work with communication and prophecy comes to a final test on December 27-29, 2018 A.D.

    I really think that all this futile powerlessness theme stuff relates to that period of time.
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