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Posts posted by Cherishc

  1. Hi I am pregnant currently and had dream of walking babies.

    In the dream I'm told I already gave birth, I'm checking my stomach and cannot see any scare or pain and I didn't remember giving birth. I was ok and walking. My husband says One baby was 3 kgs and other one was 2.4 kgs. I felt like someone took my place and gave birth. I had no recollection of when i gave birth. I feel the tummy to check if the babies in there, i get a text message at 5:10am from my husband saying babies are born. The next scene was that we were at a very high lookout with a beautiful view, but there was slight fog but we could see little green tall tree patches in between, my husband said there is storm coming from the lake. We are now waiting for the storm to pass to go see our babies.

    Next moment we see babies they r cute and chubby. They r are walking in their swaddle blankets. One was walking in magenta colour swaddle blankets, had thick black silky hair, the other baby wss swaddled in white, slightly smaller and walking.

    Can you please interpret this dream prayerfully for me as the holy spirit leads?

    Thank you, in Christ.
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