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Everything posted by Finnen

  1. Finnen

    blog competition

    Last time we dated it wasn't green. Did you....? I BREAK UP. I'm sorry Eric. I won't lie to you anymore, but it's true... I'm straight.
  2. Finnen

    blog competition

    it's not a cucumber or a dildo -.-' my dick just happenes to be green... and no, it's not my girlfriend, it's your mom kev, from when she still was young and hot...
  3. Finnen

    blog competition

    tomorrow morning. Done...
  4. Hi dudes i need help, me and a mate of mine desided to create a blog (I'm not the blogger type -.- but still) and the one of us that in one month has the most followers will win glory and fame (and a beer cage) and for the moment I'm under soo... now if all you guys could wisit my blog daily I be a hapy man and one step closer to that glory and fame! (beer cage) my blog -> http://jfinnen.blogspot.com/
  5. by the way. any idea how long it will take to fix?
  6. well that had one certain point :j I think i have changed my state of mind
  7. if they don't come back, what point is there in haveing them?
  8. I'd say some should be demoted, at least those who'v been missing for over 10 weeks. if anyone got their email or something, send them a note/varning.
  9. How typical of the server to crash in the middle of the competition -.-'
  10. ewerybody get online! the competition will start in bout half an houre!
  11. well it seems onion chose to hide some worlds. so i guess this topic is ower now.
  12. chack out the map (crash) and you will understand.
  13. Like some of u guys know i used to have my friday competitions before i went missing for four months. But now I'm back! And so are the Competitions! anyways, in this room I'll ecplain the competitions some days before fridays, so u all can be prepared when the time comes. questions will be answered here, if u have any. and rules will be explained. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS WEEKS COMPETITION! due to work, this fridays competition will start at 10pm and go on for one houre. (timezone +2, so you have to figure your times out by urselves) In this competition we will work with uniforms. ;D the best uniform, by vote, wins there are 9 free spots for the intressted at the moment (no more) FLYING is a requirement Sign in to the competition if u are intressted. the competition will take place in CRASH (probobly always in crash) (however it'll be zoned until the competition stars) so check the map out so u get the idea ???questions???
  14. did u miss the part bout copying stuff, and pasteing it in one of the emty worlds? for safeceeping.
  15. wy hide when we can delete? there are so many worlds that noone use and never will use?
  16. 1: there simpy are to many 2: most of them are not being used or are full with crapp. 3: i think more different maps would be used if there weren't so many (everybody builds in novice, whatever rank they are -.-') a map-design i got was 1 or 2 novice maps 2 pupil maps 2 mason 2 Adept 1 open to all expert (and experts are alloved to have a world of their own) 2-3 maps with saved creation (just to look at and save works in) and some more strict rules of where u can build (I don't realy like that most ppl build in the novice world, regardless of rank)
  17. I hope I'm not the only one thinking there is way to many worlds on the server. and that some should be deleted. most worlds are unused, full or just forgotten. (E)xper (A)dept (N)ovice and so on. i checked out all the worlds and made a list of worlds that could be deleted. thou a lot of these maps contain exelent work and creations. therefor these creations chould be copied and saved in another map (emty flat ones, and we have 4 of those -.-') -Amphibican (E) EMTY, potential ¨work saviour¨ -CRASH (N) EMTY, potential ¨work saviour¨ -in10minutes (E) potential ¨work saviour¨ one nice thing (starwars) -Lounge (M) wtf -.-' potential ¨work saviour?¨ back to those that could be deleted. I'll list them with a little info. -Adept2 (A) Kinda emty, dead, some nice works -City (M) DEAD, NOT a city,one good building, rest is crap -Heaven (A) Dead? -Island (M) LOTS OF CRAP! only Finncorp is nice, and some nice minor things -Lakeland (P) not nice, random creations, active? -MosEisley (A) some nice works, inactive world -Nektulos (P) NICE map, active? -Novice (N) pretty full -Novice2 (N) FULL -Novice3 (N) do we realy need more than 2 novice worlds? -OldHills (A) Lots of good, lots of bad. -Oldmain (A) full, not many nice things -Oldtown (A) some good ones, lots of baad -PixelArt (M) underused, thing in there that are not pixel :/ -Pupil4 (P) under used, should be remade. -Shroomland (P) full, lots of works that should be saved. if deleted -Sleepymountains (M) nice map, active? -Sylvania (A) nice map, active? -THAland underused, nice map -Tristram (E) someones map? if not it should be deleted -Warzone (A) love the spawn, could be made into mainworld, underused -Yggdrasil (A) if noone is working on the plan it should be deleted -Dunes the old Elit! inactive map, lots of crap, lots of exelent work! these are the maps i think could be deleted. and like i said, good creations worth saveing should be moved to the emty worlds, othervise they may dissapere and feel fre to add/remove worlds from the list (arguments are needed) since i don't realy know if all of these worlds are unused and forgotten :/ some of them could be active without my knowing. soo... what should be deleted? what should be saved? P.S. I'm thinking bout makeing island my own world. (rank up the map and all that) so don't get hasty bout deleteing Finncorp :j and don't go delete anything else untill we all agree to it either!
  18. HAHAHAHAHA u shure were
  19. Finnen

    My World being broken

    yee, cmon and respekt the woman.
  20. I'd change my vote from 3 to 4 weeks, cause of the month tingy sounded good to me so.
  21. well opinions about my opinion then
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