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Posts posted by kareemba

  1. Voltzahl wrote:
    Hey remember me from Au's forums? Why try to take other servers fame for your own use on the Xbox instead of using a original server you come up with?

    For those of you wondering "dafaq is Volt talking about?" he made the same topic on another servers forum and was turned down.

    YES I WAS ! it doesn't matter au said they didn't want it so why complain about something you dont want anymore ????? this makes no sense to me at all

  2. ok. My name is kareem. i have minecraft on xbox 360. I thought it would be a good idea to make a server on xbox minecraft for everyone to play on. me and my best freind would run it (creative and survival mode). There is ban and kick. They can actually speak to each other through mics or kinect they may also type what they have to say. 1 down side is that there is no ranks and not everybody can have their own world for themselves. I would create A SUPER FLAT LAND for everybody to build on this will take me a couple of weeks. I need to collect some diamond and many other materials for players to use on survival (maybe) on creative i dont have to do anything all i need is a see and that part is done. for survival i will set up everything nice and clean so people can do as they please. We will need some people to run it with me kick/ban grifers for the server (me, and HighLited). I will run this server everyday from around 7:00-12:00 pm then start it up at that time again. All i really need from you is permession and some volunteers and for you to put on the classic server *ADD iiReck2k13 ON XBOXLIVE OR MESSAGE HIM FOR OUR ALL IN THE MINED XBOX360 SERVER* i would really apreciate it.
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