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Posts posted by Ruka

  1. tweet40 wrote:
    very nice room!

    btw, how did you make pet society like that? (so you see the whole room at once)

    Thankies!! congratulations

    You could always use the 'Take a Photo' on Pet Society. Smile
    But what I did, I just kept pressing Print screen and attaching all together. congratulations
    Cause it has better resolution. Smile

  2. Since it's Japanese Theme Week in Pet Society. I decided to make my living room something new. I used to change it every week but now I'm just too lazy. I changed 3 other rooms but I'll show it to you guys soon. Smile

    My Japanese Themed Living Room.


    I made Valentine's/Heart/Love Themed Room. Inspired from my boyfriend's love. ♥️
    Here's an image of one my other rooms. Third Floor, Middle Room. Smile

    Hope you like it! congratulations

  3. kasijab wrote:
    wow ..nice pics sweetie ..

    will you please check your facebook link as at the moment it goes to my own homepage. This usually means that you have copied the link from your homepage not your PROFILE page as required.

    Thank you! :]
    I actually did that purposely for my iRL privacy, I don't enjoy random people adding me or anything. Smile Haha.
    I think these should be an option if we wanna make our Facebook links private or public. Just a suggestion. Smile

  4. Hello Jello! congratulations
    I'm Ruka Tatsuya. Smile
    I'm 17 years old, Female and I hail from the islands of the Philippines... and obviously, I'm new here! :3 Hahaha.

    My Pet's name is HOBO.
    He's level 47, I've got 10 Petlings (3 Cats, 3 Dogs, 3 Lions and a Coyote) and I've had my HOBO for nearly two years I think. Haha.
    He's named after my boyfriend's pet name, I call him Hobo and he call's me a street kid. ♥️

    Nice to meet you all! congratulations

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