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The idea that devs just know the issues with their game when the community's mad is just simply not a true one, it stems out of some childish level on entitlement found on many free to play with multiplayer EVE Echoes ISK titles (League of legends comes to mind), there is lots of games with communites which are positive and healthy, so far echoes has been among them. I mean, disbelief is fine, but in the end of the day, we are becoming essentially one of our favorite games redesigned from the ground up for mobile gaming, a project that's neither cheap or easy to pull off, so everything considered NE appears to be doing nicely, and we expect to foster a supportive community from that. I mean, in least it'll be a fascinating experiment comparing the 2 subreddits thats for sure, in a calendar year.

How different is it from eve? I am hoping it is at least marginally more casual friendly. I can't envision receiving a phone call and scanning some method in null. I feel like if it is as hardcore as the PC version, nobody will play with it. The UI is much more user friendly and there's absolutely no suicide ganking in sec so players that want to do their thing can do. What about gameplay wise? Ironically I haven't played eve at a bit, but it seemed shallow and convoluted but not in a rewarding way like eve was.

It is infinitely more friendly at high sec due to no ganking that is high-sec. I didn't have issues roaming around and simply shutting off my phone everywhere in echoes. There's no system scanner yet, and the devs did say in the flow of today that things like corp will take priorities. I am a comprehensive eve noob never played eve online, just thought that echos is the great mobile game (not really perfect, would be ideal if you could travel through the system with your phone locked) and played the beta.

I discovered it in general user friendly however you should think about that such Eve Echoes has a lot of systems (I'm mean sport mechanical systems rather than space systems) but also you dont have to understand everything at once, I only played Eve Echoes and learned the different mechanics on the way, Echoes or discord channel are generally extremly helpfull. It needs to Buy EVE ISK be possible to answer a telephone call because Eve Echoes don't operate in the background (at least not in my experience but don't use the most current telephone ) but there's a log out timer, although if you answer a phone call there is a little time period where you could possible be murdered but that is a general"issue" with live mmo's and nothing echoes can do different.

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