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Items to be removed from shops on 4/27

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There is also a some clearance hapening in the shop, make sure you check out if you want to buy these items before they are gone on April 27th! (clearance starts on Thursday)

Festive chair
Fall Wreath
Festive Table
Santa’s Boot
White Present
Turkey Decor
Green Present
Valentines Present
Pink Present
Gold Present
Festive Fire Place
Festive Tree
Giant Festive Tree
Festive Wallpaper
Tinsel Wallpaper
Autumn Wallpaper
Green present
Purple present
Festive sock decor
Golden Bells
White Holly
Happy New Year Sign
Santa statue

And stupid me bought all of them before realizing they go on sale in 3 minutes. dang. oh well.

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thnx mangoberri..........ill rush to the stores too Smile

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Esperia, take a chance at my contest and you have a chance to win 6k ofmcoins Smile that would help you out.

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