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Yvette, Maybe you could help me with this question :D

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I was watching tv and a movie came on with Gene Wilder where he plays a wanna be actor, with all these nervous quirks (like sticking his tongue out and having spontaneous laryngitis) I don't remember the name of it, and I would like to see if any of the video stores have a copy I could rent as I didn't get to finish it and I missed the very beginning. It seemed really funny lol. Do you possibly know the name?

or maybe someone else does?

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It might be The World's Greatest Lover. That sounds like it to me. I can check my collection (I have all his movies on DVD and can check tomorrow morning).

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Thank you Clair a bell, I totally didn't think about google I don't use it that much lol.

Yvette, that definitely sounds like that would be the name of it, to be honest I don't think I've seen him in anything before except Willy Wonka lol. I'm going to try looking for it tomorrow. He's very talented!

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He is. My favorite films that he was in are Young Frankenstein, and Blazing Saddles, but I also loved 'The Little Prince'. He played the fox so beautifully.

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Its my sister who says it to me, its juts rubbed off
Hope you manage to get hold of a copy the start and finish Maybe you could watch the middle again too

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Oh my, I cannot believe I forgot about blazing saddles! And young Frankenstein I loved those movies too!

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myladyyawo wrote:
nervous quirks (like sticking his tongue out and having spontaneous laryngitis)

sounds like turrets

Tourette syndrome (TS) is an inherited disorder of the nervous system, characterized by a variable expression of unwanted movements and noises (tics)

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