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Yet another question for the nurses here :)

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I've been getting sharp short head-pains in the back of my head on the left side. I also get really bad migraines do you think it could be anything serious and to call the doctor? It takes about 3 weeks or more to get an appointment so I'm wondering if you think it can be caused by stress... It feels almost like I've turned my head to fast and got that sharp pain (I'm sure most everyone has had) but it's up higher and really hurts for about 4 minutes at a time. and it's sudden onset not from sharp movements or anything....

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oh sweetie

Hope kathy or Jeanie are able to give you some advice

Huge hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxx

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I'm hopeful Lisa!

not trying to put pressure on you ladies, and if you don't feel comfortable answering thats fine Smile I understand! I just hate going to the doctor for just stress and things lol.

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it's really hard to say. it could be migraine related but i would go to the doctors to get it checked out. they may have to do a mri of your head/brain.

3 weeks! yikes! make an appointment soon so you don't have to wait any longer. plus when you find out it's nothing, you'll have peace of mind. Smile

i used to get these sharp pains on the left side of my head and see all sorts of white spots everywhere. they thought i had a brain tumor but it turned out to be just severe migraine related stuff. i was really stressed out about that and it made it worse so just get it checked so you don't worry your head off.

that's my suggestion. xoxo

do you see spots or halos or missing parts of your field of vision? or is it just the pain?

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Mostly just pain related, although I've been very tired lately and have trouble waking up in the morning.... Sometimes I get blurry vision but not the same time as the pain, it's like my eyes go glossy. Weird symptoms I know. I'll definitely call my doctors office on Monday. Thank you for your help Jeanie!

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it's a good idea to get it checked out. good luck and keep us posted

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Will do Smile and thank you again for your help! Well 12:30 am here better set my coffee maker and get to bed. Night congratulations

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lol, was just thinking the same thing minus the coffee maker congratulations
night hun. see you again soon...probably tomorrow!!! hee hee.

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