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>>> Tweets drawing corneR <<<

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wellcome to

Tweets drawing corner

What can you get here?

here, you can get my dodles, drawing, and lineart like this!
ivem ade some in the past, but these are two most recent ones




i can make them in any position, doing anything you want!

it can e with or without the background, but i haven't tried doing them with a wig yet! tho im planing to soon Smile

Order form:

Pet Picture:
Style (ineard/doodle):
What would you like your pet to be doing:
Backgound(yes/no, ifyes, what would you lieke it to be)

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I would like a lineart please. congratulations
Pet pic:
What would you like your pet to be doing: standing Smile
Backgound: Can it be transparent please?

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