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the blinking is making me nuts!

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This is really one for agony aunt,because it is causing me stress and agony and such and making me use the word "and"excessively .

The letter notifier in my pet's home is constantly blinking.I have cleaned all cookings,rebooted,defragmented my computer.EVERYTHING to stop the blinking!

make it go away and there is nothing there! NOTHING!

bunny and I are going insane with the blinking the blinking the blinking the blinking STOP IT!


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I have had to come out of retirement just to answer your cry for help

My advice? Ease up on the whiskey, it might stop the flashing images in front of your eyes the next morning

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oh my goodness!The moment you came out of retirement ,the blinking magically stopped lol

Wonderful advice,I am more of a wino though.I will let off soon

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Fashionista wrote:
i don't know why it may blink! seems bizare! :S

huge hugs!

stupid blinking envelope stopped lol

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It must of been scared of facing the wrath of the Agony Aunt

I must admit she scares me as well Laughing

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Since when did Agony Aunt start working in tech support?

Dear Auntie can you help me too?! It's the multiple clicks in facebook that are bugging me... 3 clicks to send Fabric or what-have-you... and no way to stay in FB and go through the request list... it just starts up PS and then I have to go back and do it again! Help me! I want to click for people but I can't stand this!

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