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problem with ps :cry:

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I think i was hacked in ps. few moments ago when i log in to ps i found i lost something.I lost all my hg fruit or vegetables but didn't lost hg flowers. Also i lost mermaid bear plushie , teatray,some fun park items and maybe a lot of things else i don't know and my 8000 coins was dissapeared But i don't know how kind or hardly hacker is ? tThe hacker put my doggy plushie in fun park items in the toy rooms and redecorated it .When i takled to my brothe he said "stupid .The stupid can hack your fb.That is the prize you have to receive"
Now what can i do i changed my pass but can't take back what i lost and it never happened before i don't know why.I need advice

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Your mermaid plushie is in the garden. Couldn't it be that you reorderer your things and you didn't remember? :S

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Contact the facebook team and explain them the situation. They'll look more further into it.

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Ursula wrote:
Your mermaid plushie is in the garden. Couldn't it be that you reorderer your things and you didn't remember? :S

no that is the new one i had yesterday
Salla wrote:
i am so sorry for you Sad
that's strange what that hacker did....

thank hunie i fell better .yes i don't know why the hacker justtook 2 doll the snake and mermai doll but didn't take the fox plushie or the red phone box
Lazar wrote:
Contact the facebook team and explain them the situation. They'll look more further into it.

thank lazar for the advice but do you know my old pass word is? that is 123456
the stupid can hack that

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Lucky Strike wrote:
is that even possible?? i think in some sites they don't "allow" anymore the 123456

i don't know i ceated fb account last year congratulations

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