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Selling Solid Gold Teddy + Others

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I'm interested in retired items or 999/5999s for the solid gold teddy.

Also selling;
Red Blossom
Pink Versailles Bed
Pink Versailles Dinner Table
Monster under the bed
Ice Skater Poster
Cute Witch Outfit
Nana Plushie
Pet High Uniform Dress + Shoes
Dainty Golden Gown
Rosy Cute Dress
Fashion Pink Outfit

And that's all~

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Hi there!
Do u have a specific item you want? I want to buy the Solid Gold Teddy.
And how much will it be in 5999? Thanks

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I'm mostly looking for a Queen of hearts outfit / Wonderland Rabit / Wolf Plushie / Starlet White Dress + Shoes / Premiere Dress. And a few other older items. (I don't want all of them for the bear by the way xD)
I'm more interested in items than coins since I have no idea on worth. I'm sorry I've only traded once so I just don't know values of things sorry so if you gave me an offer~

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I have Premiere Dress congratulations and will looking for the rest, maybe I'll find the other Smile
will open ps to see what I have for u

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That would be awesome :* Thank you.
I'm also interested in other teddies, beds and dresses/wigs x3 I just don't know all the items. I took quite a long break from pet society and I missed quite a lot.

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So here I have to offer: Premiere Dress, Short Retro Wig, Greek Goddess Wig, Emerald Green Bed, Red Hearts Wallpaper, Mounted Police Doll, Wendy's Cream Bed..
Are u interested with some of them? You can decide for what will be fair Smile
Btw, your facebook link is missing. Can u add it please Smile

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Do you mind if I think on it since the only item I'm interested in is the premier dress.
And I've updated my thing it should have my facebook link now.

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I ll be interested in buying the:
Pink Versailles Bed
Pink Versailles Dinner Table
Cute Witch Outfit
Rosy Cute Dress
Fashion Pink Outfit

m ake me your offer congratulations

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I realised I have the whole rosy cute set if you're interested in.
I also have the Pink versailles table, dressing table and a chair. Sorry I forgot about these but they're in the set.

And I don't know what kind of offer to ask for I don't want to be unfair. ;o;

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For all of them I'm not sure.
Would you mind me withdrawing the fashion pink outfit since I think I'd like to keep it.
Keeping that in mind would you be willing to offer 6*5999 For the rest?

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that is ok!!! congratulations

yes i am still willing to give 6x5999

can i ask you also what happened with the teddy bear?

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I still have the teddy bear =)
I'm also still looking at offers but people really have to give me a price since I just don't know what it's worth. XD
I know there aren't many around though~
I'll send first if you like xD
Can you just tell me again what you want so I can find them and then send me a friend request on facebook.

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there are a lot of teddys and it was the first item from limited edition weekly stuff so if i had it i would keep otherwise i would sell it really high i would give it around 10x 5999 for the reasons i explained ^

i am adding you on fb congratulations

Pink Versailles Bed
Pink Versailles Dinner Table
Cute Witch Outfit
Rosy Cute Dress
all together for 6x 5999

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