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I've been a member of this forum for a while now, but this is the first time on this board. Just wanted to say "Hi".


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Hi and welcome ...so pleased you decided to post. We have a great friendly group of people here so I am sure you will have lots of fun.
Any questions please just ask....

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Hello, Linda and Suzie and welcome to PSFC. This is by far THE best place to be when online --- it is Pet Society or PSFC... those aremy only web sites of choice...
I am in the US as well...it will be nice to have another member closer to the same time zone as me and sparkie.
Please, don't hesitate to ask any admin/mod for questions you may have. We all were once new too, and i guarantee that questions will be flying through your head, and we are here to help ya.
Send me a FR, so sparkie and suzie can hang in the PS town.
Make sure u check out all the cool comps and games that PSFC has to offer. You will have a chance to win lots and lots of coolio prizes...
Ok..back to work.... I am taking my break and chatting here on PSFC... see...it is truly my cyber home
and again.... WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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