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WTB 3cc for the discounted plushie.

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I have seen that there are discounted plushie for the specific day..
I want to buy CC for the items on wednesday, thursday and friday...( i think I will never be able to buy the item for tuesday because it is already wednesday here )
I am not able to load my P.S.. but once it is fix I will send the payments.. Can I offer 2*5999 for each CC, I dont have much right now.. because I havent been able to load my game.. Thanks..

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I can send them to you. Smile Let me get into the game and I'll send you today's. It's still Tuesday here, and the day starts with 0:00 GMT, which is one hour behind here. So, regardless of where in the world you are, the time is always the same.

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Tuesday's has been sent. Send me an ingame message reminding me each day to send, otherwise I might forget.

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oh, thank you so much tiddly.. I'll just send you the payment once I logged on... I dont know what seems to be the problem with my game.. but it is stuck no matter how long I wait it doesn't load.. Sad

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oh bummer. Don't worry, just wait until you can get your game working. I'll send the next plushie tomorrow. Smile

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Thank you so much.. SmileSmile I am so happy to have friends like you Yvette.. Smile you were an angel.

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Okay, the last item has been sent. Hope you enjoy them. Smile I personally love the bear the most...but then you know me. congratulations

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Thank you so much Yvette.. My brother had to reformat my laptop again, I am hoping that tomorrow I can completely load P.S.. I am so excited to see those lovable items... SmileSmile

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FInally I've been able to load P.S now.. Smile I have to use someone's desktop to play P.S ( good thing Anthony is not using the P.C as of the moment, so I can sneak out to his room )SmileSmile

I'll send you 8*5999 now.. SmileSmile

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Oh, only seven.. I'll send you another 1... I might skipped 1 carriage because I got kicked awhile ago while sending them.. congratulationscongratulations
You were an angel.. thank you for helping me out.. Smile

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