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[WTS] Fat PS3 Console and Old PS3 Games and Toys

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I want to sell my old game.. buy more will get discount. if interested please PM me for the price.

Call of Duty 4 (Modern warfare) R1
FIFA 09 R3
Killzone 2 R1
Skate 2 R3
Prototype R1
Red Faction Guirella R3
White Knight Chronicle R1
Gran Tourismo Prologue R1
Saint Row 2 R1
Modern Warfare 2 R2 (hardened, COD classic code)

Rock Band 2 Wireless guitar - (free gift rock band mic)


Revoltech Yamaguchi Transformable- Macross VF-1J, VF-1S, VF-1A (BIB)

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I have set of fat ps3 to letgo. This 40Gb set but already upgrade to 320Gb hdd. This set consist of console package + DS3 + hdmi. Inside the hdd already have few game installed. This set are free from YLOD. Prefer to sell this set include the game above. Please offer me the price..

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