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Gaming Hub's Rules And Guidelines

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Hello fellow gamers, and welcome to Gaming Hub, Forums Club's newest gaming community! We have a few rules listed bellow that all members should follow while posting, to ensure their accounts don't get deleted. Remember these can change at any moment, so please follow this topic for updates.

1. Do not post illegal material here such as cracked software, warez, etc. Look elsewhere for that material if you're looking for it.

2. Do not impersonate staff members, if someone is breaking a rule please report their posts. Also asking to become staff will decrease your chances of being promoted at a later date.

3. Please do not cheat while competing against other members on the board. We also wish you will treat others the way you wish to be treated, and don't insult other members.

4. Try your best to keep your topics in the correct sub forum. This helps keep the forums more organized, and easier to navigate for newer members.

5. Do not post any private information anywhere on the forum. We want everyone to remain safe while browsing our forums.

We hope you enjoy your stay here with us at the Gaming Hub! Please contact me if you have any further questions or post in our suggestions area if you think we're missing anything, thank you!

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