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talmag pre1965 trial 2011

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[img][/:\Documents and Settings\Bobby\My Documents\My Pictures\TALMAG 2010img]

Trials - Talmag MCC. Date: Sunday 30 January 2011 starting at 9:30 AM. Location: Hungry Hill, Aldershot.

Hi Peeps
Just thought I would tell you all of this wonderful event.

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Great event I have known about for a million years never been though thank you for the pics I can smell the Castrol R sitting here.
I always thought about making scented candles that smell of castol R!

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Hello XS1100

Sadly someone has already made Castrol R candles, saw them advertised years ago in VMCC catalogue.
However I have never tried it but I am told that an eggcup of brake fluid in a tank full of fuel will produce the same smell.
Real Casrtol R in the fuel will gum up the carb/injectors.

Regards and happy new year Rocker1

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I did try the R candles many years ago and the result was black acrid smoke!!!!
I have a 5 litres Of R down the shed and often mix a teaspoon full in with juice of My lawn mower smells very speedway Smile
Have done the same trick with the XS and Bandit smells nice but like you say gums stuff up.But I only use a tea spoon in a full tank just enough to get the air scented,
As for brake fluid I have not had the same result I have tried it but I think it as to be castor based.Unsure of the chemisty did not smell like R though.
My Dad ran his Triumph Mettise 500 on Castrol R untill he locked the motor up going though a river at the ISDT he then had to wash the motor (bent the rods) to remove all the R so he could go back to normal grade as the two don't mix at all.

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