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Then I built this thing

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After restoring the Yellow 400F I had a few bits left over so I built this it had a few trick bits on it and sounded a treat.
Dresda swing arm,Jardine stainless exhaust,Then I flogged it the days of peg scraping are over.
Its knee down now Very Happy

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That would def keep the wind of ya, strange in looks, but ive got to say i do like it thumbs

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I was going for this type of thing but I flogged it before I got there.Thinking back must have been 10 to 15 year ago since I sold it.
Jim Redman top TT racer in his day time flys

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nice one m8 takes me back a bit had a 550 and 2 750s back in the day thumbs
so how long as pegs scraping days been over Shocked

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@XS1100 wrote:
After restoring the Yellow 400F I had a few bits left over so I built this it had a few trick bits on it and sounded a treat.
Dresda swing arm,Jardine stainless exhaust,Then I flogged it the days of peg scraping are over.
Its knee down now Very Happy

that looks mint good job

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It was mint I sold it ages ago for not much I think it cost me more to have the wheels laced up,looking back in time there are quite a few things I should of kept but at the time you have to move on.
As for the days of peg scrapping well I suppose I parted for far to long wile my mates where all getting married having kids and then getting divorced, I was jet setting around the world on the proceads of buying doing up and selling both cars and bikes.
Then I met Anne in the aviator riding a Harris Honda 400F which was faster than the one I had at the time! and 20 yrs later 2 teenage kids and I need a new passport itchy feet need to get the hell out of here and go for mooch round the Californina desert.cus I am weird.........And theres sod all there but Snakes sun and sand nice.

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