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£800,000 White elephant

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I'm very familiar with this partiular set of camera's. If reducing the speed of bikes going over the Cat & Fiddle is their intended purpose then I have to say they have been extremely succesfull.

I know that 1 or 2 bikers used to die each year on this stretch but I don't know if any have died since the camera's were installed.

Perhaps the scumbag germalists at that arsewipe tabloid MCN would be happy if our £800k had been spent & we were still being fined £1000's for speeding & burying our mates twice a year.

Just exactly how do you measure the success of these camera's?

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I been down this road many times this year, it's a 50 mph now but I get the sports bike riders hammering past me still, I think it's pretty well common knowledge about the short cut,

The point mcn are putting across and rightly so, imo, is the icompitance of the council spending 800 grand and missing the short cut, leaving the cameras useless,

And to reinforce the uselessness of the cameras, on one run I made down the cat, between the two sets of cameras, plod had to set up a mobile speed camera unit, which apparently is there regularly in the summer, to catch/slow down the speeders cos the average cameras ain't doin there job, hence White elephant.

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