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billbo baggings

New Mystery Items 18/04/09 and new photo feature

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Say Cheese!

Hey Pet Society fans! The latest version of the game has just gone live, so sign onto Pet Society via either Facebook or MySpace to explore!

If you play Pet Society on Facebook, the fantastic new feature you will notice is a camera icon labeled “Take a Photo” next to the status icon! This icon allows you to take a photo of your pet in its home, a friend’s home, while walking the neighborhood, racing or even while in the various shops! From your pet’s home or a friend’s home, you can take a photo of the room, or a close up of your pet in its surroundings, or a portrait of your pet (the background is removed); from anywhere else you can take a picture of the scene, a close up, or again a portrait shot! The photo is designed to be saved in an album labeled “Pet Society” in your Facebook photos, so you will need to give the application permission to upload photos!

Also “?” has just released some more mysterious items! There are no secrets this week, here is what you can now find (if you are currently playing, remember that you will need to save and quit and then reload to have a chance of finding these items!):

Text is from http://blog.petsociety.com/

Blue Flower Hair Band
Dodecahedron Lantern
Owl Doll

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ive got two owl dolls Smile but its going to be impossible to get the BMB Sad i always have to trade to get it

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images edited:deleted background and added watermarks

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the owl doll is nice!!! ^^
gona test my gmb luck!!!

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