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About Gaiamaiden

  • Birthday 05/19/1986

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  1. no i havent seen it hun, whats it about?
  2. Hi everyone ive been busy with lots of things, too much to go into how is everyone??? x
  3. im trying as well everyone, i dont want to see this forum disappear but its hard when there are so few of us x
  4. Week 1 Winner: Pet Society 3rd Birthday Week!: earon09 Well PS is 3 years old!! And what better way to celebrate than to have a wonderful party! Our winner this week had a magnificent party and here it is for all to see! Congrats hun You have won 10x5999s + 1x cc item up to the value of 20cc when you know what you would like please PM me on FB and I will send it on Friday when I buy some cc! lol xx
  5. Here are the Room Of The Week Hall Of Famers! Week 1 Winner: Pet Society 3rd Birthday Week!: earon09
  6. Hiya everyone and welcome to another PSFC Weekly Competition! Every week we see new and amazing items come out and we thought it might be fun for you to show off your creative skills and show us what you can do with some of the new weeks items This competition is simple, simply design a room with some/all the new themed items that have come out and post your entries in this thread. The winner will recieve: - 10x5999s !! - Their room will be posted in the PSFC NEWS section for all to see and the room will be placed in the Hall Of Fame part of this thread so you can all look back at past winners Rules: - Must have a minimum of 20 posts and be an active member before you can enter. - If your room won last weeks competition you can not enter this weeks. - One room per member and once you have posted your room you can not change it. - Must have some of this weeks items in the room. - Have fun! Be creative! lol When the new items come out the following Monday the TWS items will be given to the winner and a new Room Of The Week Competition will start with members designing a room with the new items So come on everyone! Have a go and you might become a Hall Of Famer and win some really good prizes!! THIS WEEKS THEME: Wizard Of Oz Week! All Room Of The Week competitions will end on Sundays at Midnight playfish time
  7. Week 51 Winner: Luxury Cruise Week!: Esperia Did everyone have a nice holiday? Did your pets enjoy their cruises? From the looks of our entries they certainly did! So, whose room won this week? ESPERIA's room!!!! Congrats hun! I bet your pet had a lovely holiday x I will send your 5999s over soon x This week not only is it PS's 3rd Birthday...but its Room Of The Weeks 2nd Birthday! Thats right! Its been running for two years!!!! WOW! To Celebrate the winner of next weeks Room Of The Week will recieve 10x5999s + a CC item!!! So its worth entering everyone!
  8. We are now taking entries btw Room Of The Week is celebrating its 2nd Birthday today! Its been running for 2 years!! To celebrate the winner of this week will get 10x5999s + a cc item! So post your entries everyone xx
  9. i think I read somewhere that everything will be yellow coins for a short period then they will turn into cc items
  10. im just really really REALLY glad the pony maker machine is coming out
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