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Ethanol content to UK petrol

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With the imminent raising of ethanol content to UK petrol I am wondering if anyone with legal expertise thinks there may be a case for some kind of 'class action'a significant number of people taking legal action) to claim damages to motor vehicles through the ethanol content of fuel and no allowances being made to provide ethanol reduced fuel. It strikes me that if nothing is done on such lines then older engines and fuel systems won't survive the ethanol attack. Any views? This stuff left in fibre glass petrol tanks turnes the tank in to jelly there as been a few fires due to owners going down the shed for a fag and getting a flash explosion due to the fuel rotting rubber and f/glass

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I currently fightin to have ethanol glycol preparations banned in the uk unless they contain a bitterant. www.bluedeath.org.uk (it's MY charity, not a business so please don't delete it x)

I think the best place for you to start is with DEFRA and write to your MP and ask him to raise the question in parliament. Good luck thumbs

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so my charity is of no interest then..............?

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