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Q for Stan and/or Caroline

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Heyup guys.

I have recently been offered a self employed job doing taxis and coaches for one of the islands large firms.

I was just wondering if you could give me a bit of advice. I'll probably find it out once I start but would be nice to know before hand.

The biggest question I have is, is it true that declaring myself self-employed for taxi driving is different to other occupations?

What sort of stuff can I/do I need to claim on my tax returns as expenses etc etc?

Do you tend to have to invoice the companies for the hours you worked or do they give you a wage slip? I know it may be different between companies but was wondering if there's a general rule.

Apart from those, do you have any other tips or advice?

I have my knowledge test Thursday and my Medical the week after so won't be long Very Happy

Cheers in advance guys/gals thumbs

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