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Epic journey

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A few of us have this idea of taking bikes to St Petersberg, via Latvia and Finland, have any of you done epic journies and if so what tips do you have for planning etc.
At the moment the idea is to get about 5 to 8 of us and a support driver in a van with the gear.To give us time to organize it properly we are looking at 2013 and in the Finnish summer so there is less snow to get through.Any advice would be greatly appreciated Very Happy

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Not really done anything epic, just a few runs around the more civilised parts of Europe, longest one was about 4500 miles [1] but the nearest I got to dodgy East European places was Vienna, so I doubt that there would be much relevant information that I could convey.

Have a mooch on over at www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/ for plenty of info and tips, or even www.advrider.com may have something useful.

Sounds like a great trip, enjoy thumbsthumbs

[1] But about 1000 was on ferries

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great links thumbs , thanks a million, will get them sent to the others who are thinking of it Very Happy

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sounds like a plan keep us updated,ive always wanted to go round the old eastern bloc countries thumbs

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you never know Dick we might end up with spaces to fill if you're up for it thumbs

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