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What's going on this week?
1. my bro inlaw falls off his bike while sat at a junction.
2. My mate drops his bike on his gravel drive.
2. my supervisors fella crashes on the motorway, You will love this one
He was driving along when the traffic ahead slows and stops, so he starts to filter between the middle and fast lane.
A woman in the middle lane then OPENS THE CAR DOOR TO GET OUT AND HAVE A FAG affraid Knocking him into the car in the fast lane.

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jeez, that not good :| is he ok? should i say, are they all ok? lol

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ITCHY wrote:
What's going on this week?

3. my supervisors fella crashes on the motorway, You will love this one
He was driving along when the traffic ahead slows and stops, so he starts to filter between the middle and fast lane.
A woman in the middle lane then OPENS THE CAR DOOR TO GET OUT AND HAVE A FAG affraid Knocking him into the car in the fast lane.

Seen it done a couple of times. Mind at least she was just an airhead, as opposed to those Audi and BMW drivers that see you coming and deliberately move over a couple of foot to stop you from filtering thumb down

On the bright side, that's "the 3" out of the way, so you can enjoy the rest of the week thumbs

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ITCHY wrote:
What's going on this week?
1. my bro inlaw falls off his bike while sat at a junction.
2. My mate drops his bike on his gravel drive.
2. my supervisors fella crashes on the motorway, You will love this one
He was driving along when the traffic ahead slows and stops, so he starts to filter between the middle and fast lane.
A woman in the middle lane then OPENS THE CAR DOOR TO GET OUT AND HAVE A FAG affraid Knocking him into the car in the fast lane.

And the moral of the story is....... if you know ITCHY be afraid, be very afraid and take the car! lol!
Seriously ITCHY, hope everyones okay. thumbs

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