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I want one of these full on beasts!

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@Davehutch wrote:
lol! it would give some of them old bandits a run for there money hide
up until last year you used to ride one of them old bandits moped

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@Davehutch wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
lol! it would give some of them old bandits a run for there money hide
up until last year you used to ride one of them old bandits moped
I know Stan sorrysorryEmbarassed
Oh no Stan according to Dave Bandits are s censored t hidehideLaughingLaughing

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@Davehutch wrote:
@Stue11 wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
up until last year you used to ride one of them old bandits moped
I know Stan sorrysorryEmbarassed
Oh no Stan according to Dave Bandits are s censored t hidehideLaughingLaughing
see what you have started now Gaz Sad
He never bought a cover for the bandit did he LaughingLaughinghide

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