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New EU Ruling on Tyre Labeling

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Actually sounds quite a helpful new system. Will it just apply to car tyres, or will bike tyres be included too, I wonder.

Motorists can now choose tyres with confidence thanks to a new labelling system similar to those found on white goods. This includes three ratings: Wet Braking, Fuel Efficiency, and Exterior Noise. Wet Braking is classified from A to G with the former the best and the latter the worst. This is emphasised by colours ranging from green, through yellow/orange, to red. These ratings reveal Ð in relation to a benchmark - how far cars travel in the time it takes to slow from 50mph to 12mph. For example, tyres that fall 10-24% short of the benchmark are labelled E, and those 55% ahead A. Fuel Efficiency, once again, is marked A to G. The most efficient tyres barely deform under stress which saves fuel, but can hurt ride quality. Finally, Exterior Noise is calculated at 50mph with the engine off. It is shown in decibels with a computer-style three bar volume indicator. Quiet tyres, of course, make driving comfortable.

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yeah heard that too,i dont think any are in the A grade yet , and some budget tyres scored higher than named brand tyres thumbs

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