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Novemeber 11th - Remembrance day

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Here in the UK, November 11th is remembrance day.

This is a special day to remember all who have died or been injured fighting for our country as well as showing our support for those still serving.

A two minute silence is observed at 11am on 11th day of the 11th month to mark the moment the Great War, or World War 1, came to end in 1918. The silence is usually observed at war memorials, cenotaphs and religious services and shopping centres throughout the country.

People wear a red poppy to remember as the poppy was one of the only plants that grew on the battlefield. It thrives in disturbed soil, which was abundant on the battlefield due to intensive shelling. During the few weeks the plant blossomed, the battlefield was coloured blood red, not just from the red flower that grew in great numbers but also from the actual blood of the dead soldiers that lay scattered and untended to on the otherwise barren battlegrounds.


Please add the poppy to your siggy to show your support, as well as leave any messages, thoughts and memories here

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Thank you Lea, November 11th is Remembrance Day in Canada as well. Thank you this nice post Smile It is always important to Remember. Also thank you for the poppy to add to our signatures.

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PLEASE remember on this day to remember ALL that have fallen not just from you country but form others.

being a services wife i have lost very lovely beautiful friends in the last 5 years.
I do not blame the soldier who was holding the gun or firing the rockets at my friends.. it was their job.. just like my friends!!
please remember the mother's fathers, siblings, wives husbands and children that have lost their loved one .... the only choice the soldiers have had was to join the military.(in some country's that choice is removed).
they do not choose were to go or who to fight..
they can not use the word NO or im not going to.. it is their job to say "yes sir " how ever scared they are off what may happen to them!!

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They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.


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something similar to this in italy is november 4th.... hope all soldiers who have lost their lives have founded some peace, at least now.

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Well in our area just a few weeks ago someone lost their life during service in afghanistan, its such a sad thing to see and on this day my thoughts are with the familys of those who have lost those they love, and that they will never be forgotten.

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