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What do you think of the changes?

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I Logged on the first time in a few days and noticed the new changes. What does everyone think? I love the new trees we can harvest, and the new shop feature that makes everything easy to find. Not to thrilled about the party items though. I also really like the new 5 pack of instant fertilizer but it is 5 coins, but it seems fair for the price Smile

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I'm like lots of others...my game won't let me level up at moment. I can't plow or do anyhing. Checked another forum and it's not just me. But I did notice the changes in others farm..thought it looked really nice..can't wait till mines working right again.

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i entered in cs after a while and i discovered all these new changes! i'm quite satisfied with most of them! above all i like the thing they say how many hours it remains before harvesting when u save the game!

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Yeah!! Mine is finally working again and I really love the new changes. Still taking me a bit to figure it all out again, but the new trees are great. Smile

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