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Trading items

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Hi all need, help, still quite new to this whole pet society fan community thing and would like to trade some items.
I have many rares and Items that no longer exist and just would like to know how I go about trading them with others. Any help is greatly appreciated thanks.


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Okay, it's really quite simple Smile

1) Set up a thread in the Trading forum, like what you did here.
2) List what items you have to trade, and what you would like in exchange for it.
3) Wait for a buyer to buy your items

Once you have a buyer, add each other on facebook, unless you want to use a Safe trading referee.
1) Add the other person
2) Agree on who sends first, and promptly (preferred), send the item as a gift to that person in pet society.
3) Once the other person recieves it, he/she will send the item you want in return.

All done:) At the end of a trade, remember to post on the forum if you have gotten all the items you wanted to trade with. Add rep if you wish for a successful trade. The rep button is on the right side of everybody's post except your own.

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