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Tourist : Have
Familiar Face : Have
Socialite : No
Trash Talker : Have
Rubbish Raider : Have
Garbage Guru : No
Charitable Gum : No
Generous Gifter : No
Santa Claus : No
Barter Buddy : No
Sales Sage : No
Trading Expert : No
Spending Spree : Have
Shopaholic : Have
Big Spender : No
Modernizer : Have
Feng Shui Expert : No
Interior Design : No
DIY Expert : Have
Exterior Decorater : No
Grand Architect : No
Bling! : Have
Trendsetter : No
Fashion Icon : No
Classy Cook:No
Culinary Artist : No
Gourmet Chef : No
Estate Agent : Have
Evaluation Expert : No
Restaurant Critic : No
Greenskeeper : No
First-Class Forester : No
Glorious Gardener : No
Head Waiter : Have
Plate Prince : No
Washing Machine : No
Plumb Role : Have
Pipe Dreams : No
Drain Fame : No
Fixer : Have
Repairmen : No
Master Mechanic: No
A Friends Indeed : Have
Search and Rescue: Have
Aide of Honor : No

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