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What did your pet look like?

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What did your pet look like? just for fun congratulations

When I started playing PS my pet look like this

After 5 months playing PS I decided to change Joe ( Kiev's old name congratulations)


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haha! Smile

Lovely, my pet, before was like this,

Last December I decided to do her some makeover, and now she looks like this,

haha! Smile

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ooooh! nice makeovers!!!!!!


My makeover was quick , I created my on Last January and she had the makeover on February

so , what do you think?

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I started playing exactly a year ago, and Tiddly Winks has not changed once. She was green for a day, but quickly went back to the color that she is. I can't bring myself to changing her.

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Wow, it seems that almost everybody changed their pet from time to time

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