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Private message not appearing

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Hi! if someone please could help me , I received a notification that I had a pm but when i click on the link on the inbox I have not no new message received! what can I do?

in advance congratulations

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I have the similar problem.
when i send pm,the person who i send it to,says that the pm didn`t arrive...

and in my sent box i can`t find the pm,also in my out box...
can anyone help? : )

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Did you check to see if your inbox is full hun? i'm not really sure what could be happening.

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Mine if empty. But when I still send messages,some don`t arrive...
maybe i just clicked something lol

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thank you mr. mayor ! congratulations

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which browser are you using?

Sometime we seem to have issues with Internet explorer. Sad

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hmmmmmm will have to leave this one to the tech guys....so sorry I couldnt be any help

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