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i'm so worried!

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On January 5th i ordered some clothes on Asos.com. it's an english fashion site, completely reliable in my opinion. i've already ordered different times in the past and every time the package arrived to my house exactly 1 week later. This time the "maximum date" was fixed for the 15th of January (last Friday) but when I ordered, they sent me an email saying that the order could have a delay for the bad weather across Europe. In fact, Friday came and still no order received. So i wrote an email to the Customer Care Service, writing about my worries, but they've said to me to wait until the 27th.... ok, so i'll wait and try to be patient.... but i'm also very worried!!

Actually the amount i paid was quite large since i ordered different things, and i'm afraid the package got lost and i wouldn't know what to do! I would expact a refund but the package had no tracking number, so how can they know if i received or not, i'm wondering?

I'm sorry for this, but i had to talk about it with someone, since i'm so nervous and worried about this!

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Chiara, I'm in the UK.

I can see why you're worried, especially as it's a large amount.
In my experience ASOS have never been anything but completely reliable.

It's true that our postal system has been awful throughout the bad weather here, and it's not only deliveries out to customers that have been affected, but also business obtaining stock to process and despatch - it may just be that their supplies ran out.

Did you use a credit card to pay? or a system like Pay Pal, as that will also give you some extra protection.

I would do as they say and give it time, don't worry too much, and let us know how you get on.
If I can help at all, let me know

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Thank you Gill! I've heard about the awful weather in the UK, and that makes me think that a delay would be reasonable.... but days go by, and i receive nothing!

Unfortunately i've paid with a credit card.

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Try contacting the seller and see if they can put a trace on the package. I don't know how it is there, but here you can have insured packages traced.

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I've already tried and they told me the package has no tracking number.... I think they have insurance option only for the UK Sad

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That's strange. Sad If that's the form of customer service that you're getting I'd buy stuff elsewhere. Seems a bit unfair to me.

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I think that's why the delivey charge is quite cheap.... but I've always thought "and what if it gets lost??". That's why the fist time I ordered i made just a little purchase, but it has been so fast and efficient! That's was my first "big" purchase.... and that's the result!

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we had a prolem like that... In my opinion your package will arrive... just give it tiiiiime... After all the e-mail are there and no matter how it is sent you MUST give a signature that you got it! So that is prof that you haven't received it!

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They have a forum on their website, I checked for you, and it seems there are bad delays. Hang on in there, but if it doesn't come post on the forum as well as emailing them, I saw one such post and someone from ASOS did respond Smile

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Thank you very much girls! I think i'll wait another week and if it doesn't arrive i'll write both email and a post on the forum! Meanwhile every morning i rush to the mailman.... by now he sympathizes with me too!

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I know the side also!!!!!!!!!!!! don't worry, I'm they have a policy in situations like this and I'm sure you'll receive your items order, afterall they know that you are a reliable customer, I'm sure they won't let you down !!!!!

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Thank you Fashionista!

Actually they seem very nice to me, so i HOPE there will be an happy end!
*optimistic mode:ON*

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Let us know when it gets there. I'll send good vibes to the post office that they deliver soon. I'm waiting for a Danny Kaye film to come from the States, and I'm impatient!!!!

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ehhe thank you for the good vibes! i'm impatient too.... impatient mixed to worried! XD

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