Itzprince 0 Posted April 6, 2018 Chun Hua smiles as she boards the long busback home from work. It is 5 pm. It has been abusy day at her office; the statisticsdepartment in the ministry of National Planninglocated at Dongcheng district of Beijing. Thegovernor of Ghanzou province had ordered forstatistics of various indices of development tobe forwarded to him in a week’s time. It wouldsoon be time to prepare the annual budget ofBeijing and he wanted to study the facts andfigures in order to come up with a well plannedbudget.As a staff of the statistics department, it waspart of Chun Hua’s work description to fish outthe hidden figures, memorize them, documentthem in understandable formats and forwardthe files to the director of the Department forvetting and approval.Earlier on in the day, she had stumbled on adocument, stating, “there are nine millionbicycles in Beijing”. It was an old reportprepared for the tourists that flock the citydaily. Chun Hua felt that the figures wereobsolete and needed to be updated. As sheresearched on the internet to source for moreinformation, she came across a song titled“nine million bicycles” by Katie Melua, a Britishsinger.She checked out the lyrics of the song and wasdisappointed that it wasn’t performed inMandarin language. But she was bilingual. Shecould read and write sparingly in Englishlanguage, so she had no problem relating tothe song.The bus races through the busy streets ofBeijing and slows down to a halt at the trafficgridlock at Gangzou university avenue, ChunHua leans back on her seat. She closes hereyes and silently hums the song that has beenplaying on her head all day long.“There are nine million bicycles in BeijingThat’s a fact,It’s a thing we can’t denyLike the fact that I will love you till I die.”Love…love…that subtle emotion…love…Chun Hua smiles once again as the image ofher new crush and love interest floods hermind’s eyes. Her 27 year old heart was fallingfor her new co-worker Li Wei and there wasnothing she could do about it.He had been transferred from the directorate inShanghai to Dongcheng, three weeks ago. LiWei has the looks and airs of a movie star. Thefirst time she saw him she told herself that hewas a younger version of Jet li. His roundshaped face, tiny but piercing eyes that seemto gaze into her soul and pink lips wereirresistibly seductive. His baritone voice wasunnerving. Her hands had trembled when heshook her by way of introduction on his first dayin the office.“Hello, I am Li Wei, your new colleague”“You are welcome!” She had replied him. Hehad gazed into her eyes and held her handslonger than necessary, giving her theimpression that he was already smitten by her.It wasn’t a new thing for a man to get attractedto her. She was certainly a head turner. Herpretty oval shaped face, petite nose, whiteteeth, high cheek bones, curly hair, slenderbody frame has always made her attractive tothe opposite sex. She was used to malesgawking at her body.“You should have been a model, Chun Hua. Youshould be cat walking with the stars on theglittery runways of the forbidden city and HonkKong” A male colleague had once told her. Hehad wondered why a beautiful lady like herwould take up a monotonous job in the Chinesecivil service.Right from day one, it was obvious Li Wei hadmore than a passing interest interest in her.The little things he did and said, the way hekept coming to her desk to ask trivial questionsall betrayed the signs of a man in love. Eventhough they had exchanged phone numbers, hewas yet to ask her out. She would wait for himto make the first move.The traffic gridlock clears up and the bus goesinto motion. Chun Hua opens her eyes andlooks through the window, recognizing familiarbuildings. She would soon be home.*********************From the distance, Chun Hua spies her fatherZhang Yong, working on the lawn in front oftheir home. He is bare chested, carefully rakingtogether a stack of dry leaves with a long rake.His shiny body betrays the sweat seeping out ofhis skin pores.“Good evening pa, I can see you are busy”“Welcome my daughter! You are back fromwork?”“Yes pa”“Welcome, your mum and sister are inside”“Alright pa”*****************Wang Jing, her 18 year old sister and ZhangJing her mother are in the kitchen preparing theevening meal.“So food is not yet ready?! I am so famished!”Chun Hua exclaims as she throws her bag ontothe in the living chair and storms the kitchen.“Welcome sister,” Wang Jing greets with awarm smile.“Chun Hua you are back already? Food wouldsoon be ready. Your sister here has been lazy,otherwise we would have finished preparing thiswonton soup by now” Zhang Jing says.“I am not lazy. Besides, sister does not looklike someone who is hungry” Wang Jing mildlyretorts.“Yes, it is true. Chung , you you have beenlooking radiant these days, there is a sparkle inyour eyes” the elderly woman says to herdaughter.“What are you people talking about?” Chun Huareplies with a coy smile.“Your face is radiant, your heart is happy. Tellme who is he? What is his name?”“What are you talking about mom?”“Don’t deny it, you are in love. When a womanis in love, it shows in the light in her eyes, theglow of her skin, the tone of her laughter andthe breezy manner of her footsteps”Wang Jing winks at her sister as she startsgrating the fresh ginger for the dish.Chun Hua sighs, “His name is Li Wei, he worksat my office”“I knew it!” Wang Jing exclaims and imitates adance-step that amuses her elder sister.“Keep quiet Wang! Come over here and dicethese carrots” Zang Jing says to Wang. Sheturns around and pats Chun Hua’s cheeks, “iam happy for you my daughter. Does he know?Does he love you in return?”Chun Hua nods with a broad smile.***********************Its 7:30 pm and Chun Hua is in high spirits. Sheis walking along the rows of beautiful andnicely scented flowers at Wangpang resort.Li Wei is walking beside her, rolling a bicyclealong with him.He had called Chun Hua about an hour ago. Hesaid he wanted to meet her. He said he hadsomething urgent to tell her that couldn’t waittill the next day. He had begged her to meethim at the ever serene and romantic themedWangpang green park.Chun Hua had dashed out of the house to meethim. She was pleasantly surprised to see himturn up with a bicycle. He had driven her on thebicycle and lost balance midway. They hadboth fallen on the ground and shared a hugedose of laughter that set them at ease.Now they are just strolling around having fun,sharing in the blissful moment.“As I was saying, I checked out some new statsabout Beijing today. Do you know that there are9 million bicycles in this city, including yours?”Chun Hua addresses him.“That number is way too small for a big city likeours, well…tell me more”“Do you know we are twelve billion light yearsfrom the edge?” Chun Hua says and silentlysang the rest of the verse in her mind“….that’s a guess,No-one can ever say it’s trueBut I know that I will always be with you…’“You are a good statistician Chun Hua” Li Weisays as they stopped and stood under a cherryblossom tree. Li Wei carefully placed thebicycle on the ground at the base of the tree.“I have more statistics for you!” Chun Huadeclares. She is elated and carefree.“Do you know there are six billion people in theworld?”They are looking into each other’s eyes, waitingfor the person who would vocalize what theheart wants to say.Li Wei seems to be making up his mind to saysomething. As Chun Hua waits for him to saysomething, she sings the rest of the song in hermind.“…more or lessand it makes me feel quite smallBut you’re the one I love the most of all…”Li Wei’s indecision is over. He suddenly putshis arms around her waist and gently draws herto himself. She offers no resistance.“This is it! The moment of love’s expression…”Chun Hua’s heart races with joy.Li Wei strokes her soft curly hair and whispersslowly into her ears.“Do you know there are now 30 million bicyclesin Beijing?”He sharply releases her from his arms andmoves away from her.A cold chill of disappointment runs down ChunHua’s spine. The raging emotion of love turnsto bewilderment. She can only stare at him,tongue tied, at a loss for words.“But I am not done yet!” Li Wei says andbreaches the gap between themselves. He cupsher face in his palms.“There are 30 million bicycles. That’s a newfact. It’s a thing we can’t deny, like the fact thatI will love you till I die!!”The passionate declaration cascades like aflood bringing instantaneous relief and euphoricsensations to Chun Hua. Locked in anembrace, their lips meet. At first, a shy kiss,then deep and penetrating flurry of kisses andmovements, unleashing the passion that hasbeen repressed for a long while. Their lovereaches a crescendo and is complete.An elderly man cycling past on his bicycle,stares at the lovers and narrowly misses hittinga tree by his left hand side. He steers hisbicycle back on the right path and cycles awaywith a knowing and longing smile on hiswrinkled face.***************************The End! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites