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Promotion Requirements and Other Things

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General Rules: Please do not use foul language. This server also has some kids on so please be considerate. Also please do not insult others in any way. Failure to comply may result in either a mute, kick, or if you do it enough and refuse to comply, a BAN. Griefing in any way is not allowed (Random deleting, pit making, columns = griefing). Stay a safe distance from others' things and do not destroy just because, "it looked bad" or "it looked abandoned." Terrforming is OK as long as you don't disturb others' creations. If you happen to damage something, repair it immediately. If there is a misunderstanding, don't flame/go crazy. Stay calm, apologize if necessary, and please don't be sarcastic, you will only make it worse. If you absolutely can't solve the problem by yourselves, forget about it and move on. It would be best to not talk about the problem until you have both calmed down.. ALL THE WAY. (Since I am working on getting promo right, please correct any errors of mine. Thanks.)

Requirements are as follows:

-Novice to Pupil: Build something good, spend time on it, don't rush it just to get promotion. Spend a couple of hours working on it.Tips: For big buildings, try not to make the walls plain as it looks ugly. Instead add different materials to break up the uniformity. Make windows. Decoration is very important. Spend time making your creation look nice. Add little gardens here and there, porches, balconies, all these things make the building look nice. If your going for something like model of something (Star Destroyer from Star Wars, A dog, etc.), DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL. Make it look as realistic as you can. Sometimes, in order to do that you need to make it bigger. Things that are harder to do and require more time are more likely to get you promoted. Once you feel your creation is good enough for a promotion ask for someone to check it for you. To sum it up, 6+ hours on server and make good buildings.

-Pupil to Mason: Spend some time on the server helping out, talking with people, being social. Make yourself be liked by the server. Spend like 15+ or more hours on the server, doing these things just mentioned. Don't just sit there secluded from the rest of the server, building by yourself and expect a promo at exactly 15+ hours. Be reasonable. Also, try making even HARDER things. The higher rank you are, the more you have to do to rank up. Ranking up is NOT meant to be easy. To sum it up, 15+ hours and EPIC buildings.

-Mason to Adept: From here on out you keep doing what you did to earn mason, but you just do more of it. Build more, help more, talk more, get known more, know others more. Make people happy =D Getting promoted will consist of quality time. Over time you will earn adept. Be Patient. To sum it up, 60+ hours, EPIC BUILDINGS, and what was stated before sum up.

These are the requirements of promotion. Learn it.

-Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-

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I agree on the rules, but the promotion is kinda wrong
pupil: 6+ hours and good buildings
mason: 15+ hours EPIC buildings
adept: 60+ hours EPIC buildings and the rest you have right
expert: mastermoderator (me and eric), masterbuilder (sharok, mouf, finnen) or a talking frog
owner: well....make a server or be just like sharok (saving grace)

sincerely, Kevin Sweijen (hungry expert on All in the mined)

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I don't care about the hours and stuff. The only thing I care about is letting people getting adept for BUILDING. Adept can kick, so I guess it's for supporting the server.

Note to kev ; When Sharok is going to get his server running, I won't be a moderator. I'm kinda the co-admin, head GM or whatever you call it.

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alright eric is my co-master then

I think adept should be a gift.
no asking for it, if you are good enough youll get it

a minimum of 65 hours, loyality, good buildings and be nice
^thats what I think

sincerely, Kevin Sweijen (proud expert of All in the mined)

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My.. post is.. some far down this discussion, for a post that started it.

okay so..
For what I did read, which I didn't,
I misunderstandable word or too complicated to depict, because I think you put WAYYY too much into that as most of it is a matter of common sense and it's too much for us to tell novices who come in spamming "WUTDOIDOLOLOLOLHAHAHAFUCKIN'- *banned*"
etc etc.

so anyway,
where was I..
serious talk. yes.

Okay so, let's put it into proper perspective.

Novice, Pupil, Mason are building ranks.
You build, gain hours, and work your way up from skill in your creations.
I suppose what frogger said whatever it was probably applied also.
but it's totally up to the person, we're just judges of their creative application, it's not up to us to choose what they need or have to build.
that's why they should NEVER ask us what they should build.

Then there's Adept, Expert and INSERTRANKHERE (possibly Legend or Chief)
these are the MODERATING RANKS
these are only given to whom we trust will responsibly and honestly carry out moderation of the server.
such duties include cleaning the mean streets YEAH BITCH!
okay, yes, so,,,comma,,com,,amcoma,,
the heats getting to my head @_@ sorry.

So, putting that into perspective,
we have two groupings of ranks.
One that builds on skill, one that builds on trust and reliability.
So it is essential to look at the attitude of the person.
If they wish to only create, it is still necessary to give them the rank as they may have filled the rank requirements and shown that they're not gonna fuck around with the privileges.
So, that's okay.
But watch whom you promote.. carefully......
that is all i can be boitheFUCKITNEWREPLYGOGOGO

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Can the detailed report on rules, keep em simple Frogger.
Don't want to confuse people Sad

(but you're right. all of it is correct anyway.)

what was it
i remember
If we're going to put in the legendary or chief rank,
which legendary so subtly puts our arrogance in perspective for the novices,
as we're so totally modest,
if we do, IP ban, Bring anddddd.. Authorization to create worlds and access to them, should go to Legends.
well, maybe not the worlds thing, but i think it'll go out of control ._.

it's like.. writers block.. or something
i'll touch back on this later if i remember.

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and what would legend/chief have on SMP?

post is to short for the sincerily thing

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