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Who wants to play some beta with me?

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Wow, this looks like a nice server Very Happy. I'll try to get on that ^^ Mebbe we can form an alliance Wink

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Frogger and i made some phenomenal progress in our effort at world domination! Even though were hidden in a somewhat ignored portion of map in a semi dense forest we decided to make our secrets much more hidden.

I left everything but my armor and sword in the chests, locked it all up, and put stone behind our entrance to hopefully throw off griefers. only thing i should have done is cover up the empty chest. i'm not extremely worried about it though.

Other than cheats and mods, the rules are
"if you can do it, its legal"

My list of enemies in the new map
- nisocaniso (may have his base further down the east road. Hes a very mouthy noob and i don't like him.)
List of people not to trust AT ALL
- caseyjones (most hated player on DT?)
- foxdfx (Casey's BFF)
- urpenguin (was the banker at Infinium)
- Anyone who was in the clan "AMEX"
Peple who are good (were in my old clan and trusted by me, Major League Games (MLG)) (I would still rather to keep our operation a secret)
- Dreamboss (the leader)
- Zniper555
- XthebossX
- Hazzelnut (MLG)
- Noah (something)
- Dr_McNoob (MLG)

Thats all the important things i can think of so far Very Happy ill see you soon, and hopefully some others.

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YUSH!! >=D
We just need to get the mine setup and fortify our defenses and there will be no more need to worry about enemies since the mine will supply us with the things that we need and the fortifications will hold them off. The server is intense though. Constant pvp messages across the screen xD Stay alert my companions! >=O
Till next time >=)

(I'm thinking we'll post here on our progress. I might even start posting pics. All just for fun ofc. So you guys can see or even take part in our little adventure.)


-Frogger409, The Frog, ANYfrog-

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DemonicD3 wrote:
This is what? A server, a mod?

It's a server that we are currently playing on.

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CrackEngine broke in. I logged in and he was in there looting, and killed me. @_@

Time to move??

EDIT: He left. But he knows our location now...
I could start a hidden base if you want.

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Oh, this server 11? Also, it just so happens that my app to not be a nomad anymore was right after froggers! btw - caseyjones (most hated player on DT?)
- foxdfx (Casey's BFF)
Caseyjones is a jerk. Foxdfx was spawnkilling every noob and taking their free arrows and bows. He did it to me 4 times >.> In full iron armor with diamond sword

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Frogger409 wrote:
DemonicD3 wrote:
This is what? A server, a mod?

It's a server that we are currently playing on.

Are you guys done with the dfans server? The server always seem to be empty when it's not offline.
Also checked out the server, looks exactly like something I've been waiting for. Weird I've never heard of it. I've always been looking for a server that was extreme PVP, focused on grouping aka clan's for clan wars, clan building, stealing, sabatoge, everything that could possibly make this game not dull.

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Yo 7, we need to vamooze.
Our base is connected to our enemies' base. It's abandoned now, but they know where we are. Our allies have a base, maybe we can move in with them.
Gotta scout it out first.


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man... f*** me ******** Sad

the person who lit up that cave returned. Kaliven, i think... He killed me and... well... we wont be seeing our stuff:( I'll let you decide where to go next frog, i'm apparently very bad at it.

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I lost 40 iron when a guy raided me...So I went to the map's border and made an underwater home that goes to bedrock! freaking trees wont grow though...Got a stack of iron so far.

EDIT: I'll meet up you with you guys if you want Very Happy. Problem is, you guys seem to get raided a lot and I don't want to risk death, seeing as beds require donations and there is no /sethome.

EDIT AGAIN: I went on server and i was raided. The only explanation is xray, and this is the 3rd time. I'm done, can't deal with this much hacking on beta.

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Beds don't require donations, they require portal blocks, You can buy a portal block for as low as three gold, but normally as high as 850 coins. Donating is the easy way at portal blocks via 1 portal block for 1 dollar.

On an unrelated note: Who likes my new avatar? Answer: ME!

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Crud we lost our stuff???
I logged on yesterday at 10:30 PM and everything was there...

Anyway, we can move yet again.
On another note, epic skin >=) + presentation. Very good Very Happy
(I should probably change mine...)

Join us!!!!! We need more people to have a better defense. >=O
I know it's intense and we get killed a lot, but all we have to do is work towards ULTRA HIDDEN SECURITY BASE (base base base base) That means we need YOU (fingerpoint) Anyways, back to square one. WORLD DOMINATION MAY BE FAR, BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLY FAR. Onwards!!!

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Dr_TreeMan wrote:
I lost 40 iron when a guy raided me...So I went to the map's border and made an underwater home that goes to bedrock! freaking trees wont grow though...Got a stack of iron so far.

EDIT: I'll meet up you with you guys if you want Very Happy. Problem is, you guys seem to get raided a lot and I don't want to risk death, seeing as beds require donations and there is no /sethome.

EDIT AGAIN: I went on server and i was raided. The only explanation is xray, and this is the 3rd time. I'm done, can't deal with this much hacking on beta.

Yep. there is such a thing as seeing through blocks - i've witnessed someone do it :_:

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EDIT AGAIN: I went on server and i was raided. The only explanation is xray, and this is the 3rd time. I'm done, can't deal with this much hacking on beta.

Cover thopse crates! Because everyone who was banned in the old server is no longer banned. It will be a while until the hacking slows back down.

I wont be on until 10:00 PM, if our stuff is there the person who killed me is dumber than i thought, but he did come into the room. Ill catch up with you if you make progress today frogger. just let me know where you moved too on here... or PM

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Ey, we got sharok playing now Very Happy
Tegman has also joined us, he's a great ally!
We also made a new base. Coords are: x = -647, z = -1026, y = 57
There will be a dirt wall in covering the entrance, make sure no one follows you, we shouldn't move anymore @_@ Not much has been started yet. We still need to plan. Ttyl ^^

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Mouf, xray hack is super common as of late Razz. That server has it so it doesn't work on ores via a discovering-ores plugin, but you can still see chests, to my knowledge. But yeah, unfortunately, Xray Mod and PvP have become synonymous in the past few months...

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Too bad I got creepered and I dunno where the place is >_<

what do you mean by this? You cant find our chests? or did you already move them :/

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We have to move. The base has been discovered by tuxwonder7

I managed to calm him and hide our stuff.
btw, to access the shroomroom, place a redstone torch ON the top left furnace where the door should be.


edit: i also got reinforcments incoming

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Guest Snowy
Sounds like you guys are getting masacured

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By "I got creepered and dunno where the place is" I mean, I got killed by a creeper, and I don't know where the place is to get our stuff back...
That's what I mean. We do already have a base, Dem, but as mentioned by Sharok, tuxwonder7 has discovered it somehow. Dunno what we'll do about that. More shar traps mebbe, and more time spent in the mines to avoid our nametags being seen. Speaking of which, [rage] I AM ABSOLUTELY HATING THESE NAME TAGS. THEY ARE SUPER JACKED UP. I AM NOT GONNA GO AROUND SNEAKING ALL THE TIME, IT"S A NUISANCE. WTF!!!![/rage] Ahh. There we go. Also, Shar, who are these reinforcements??

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a depressive guy named starlink is the reinforcment... -.-

we got robbed (nothing valuable)

and i can't build traps with air!

the base is just badly misplaced.

NEW BASE: -1199, 52, -1114

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Guest Snowy
DemonicD3 wrote:
If only we had a Zelda with us to protect us, oh wells.

Heh what would I do? Destract people by making a fake chest and casually telling the location Razz

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Alrighty then. Yet another move @_@
This is quite unfortunate. I hope the new one is safe. I'll hopefully be on a little after 7 PM. And about the nametag issue, I posted on the forums, and The Overlord responded. Wink The post was about adding a plugin that lets you stay hidden like if you were sneaking, but without decrease in speed. He said that it was part of the first version of DarkTide and that the lead plugin dev was the one who wrote that plugin. So we will be seeing on the server soon. REJOICE!!!

EDIT: Hmm, seems it won't be free though. Time to stop dying, eh? XD

"All players will be able to buy it for a mere 1500c in darktide's mage tower.
until a dungeon is put in to house it." -Overlord Kaliven

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Sorry i havent been on in a little while, ill try to get on tomorrow. Just busy with RL at the moment.

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There's a base on this island directly near Sharok's base. I diddn't write down the coords, forgot to but it's a sand island that's visable fom exiting his base. I found somebody's old mining tunnel as well as a still in use miny base of operations of sorts on a island near it. I tried looting there stuff but they have some magical protection thing on there chests.

Idk if it's your guys or somebody hostile, he or they haven't seen sharok's base. Though in that mining tunnel I found a sign that sais "Found your base" which was griefed to hell. Seems somebody has been looking around as of late.

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IMO, we might be safe. Unless they have hacks/supercrazy eyesight, they won't see us. It is problematic though. Also, I think getting sneak should be our priority atm, so that we don't have to constantly hold shift down to avoid detection. I've been mining a bit, so I'll see how much I get out of it, and if I don't die when I go to sell the stuff @_@

EDIT: RAGEQUIT We've had to move so many times!!! I'm not even having fun anymore Sad

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I'm close to rage quitting. Let me try to set some stuff up, in the mean time... i don't know, try looting and killing?

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I don't want to make you guys paranoid, but it might be better to continue this discussion in Expert forum section.
just so that there's no risk of them seeing this stuff.

Better safe than sorry :X

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I don't think they'll find Sharok's base, even if they are that close. Just look around and make sure nobody sees you before you enter. However being we have the advantage of knowing where there base is and they don't have that same advantage. Why don't we just scare them off? Scout out there base, wait for them to come back to it. Kill them, repeat kill them. Salvage everything we can and hopefully they will bugger off?

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Perhaps spoke too soon? Have a sign in the base that sais and I quote "Thanks for the loot ;D" We get robbed?

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Why don't we just look to founding our own city or village whatever it's called. You gain loot protection. Can work towards that. Think of the being looted part by idiot hackers as a difficulty notch lol. Surely they won't be trolling the base all the time. He's gotta move on sooner or later. Than we can start doing this bs to others. Without the hacking part.

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Bring the extra people needed from the AITM server. Whichever new masons, adepts or whichever that have BETA. With 10 people maybe we can have a better watch on the base. If we can spend our iron on weapons and armor we can trash all xraying looters. Get them all to vote up the server to get that extra coin. Idk if you can donate it but if you can can donate them for the ability to get that village. Work hard and eventually get it up.

Other people have/are working for one as well. They must have found a way to deal with xraying looters. As stated, if a almost 24/7 presence is put up in the base due to having over 10 people. We can probally fight off any looters that come knocking. Once we get that village set, everything will be easy as cake. We can even scout out areas and send out raiding parties to other peoples bases and re-collect what was stolen from us. Sell it, store it, use it whichever. This is a hardcore PVP server, stuff like this happens. Would be nice they diddn't have the ability to xray peoples bases. That's completely retarded and cheap but regardless they only have that ability to xray. Less they also have some sort of superman fighting hacks we can easily out military them. Who else has a stash of minecraft players on a server they can use to recruit new people to help us? With mining or protecting the base.

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This server is a large place, you're telling me this clan is so massive that they can have people expansive all over to troll everybody's bases without worrying about resistance? If we get the people up and enough iron to make iron swords and armor for most people. It wouldn't matter if they found us, they'd only have 1 maybe 2 tops coming down to attempt to loot us. 10 vs 1-2 sounds like good odds to me.

As stated, they only get the benefit of xraying. They'll find us no matter what we do. However we can still out military them. We have a good source of recruitment, the AITM server. Use players as a defense against looters unti'll we reach our goal of getting that village up. Maybe build a treasure room farther down and booby trap it? or get those spells that can spell lock chests. There are lots of way we can fend them off, they only looted us because majority of the time nobody is on to watch out for them.

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This server is small, don't say bs.

3k x 3k for hundreds....
I went to a server where like 20 ppls filled that.

Well, we can try, but it will be hard, painful and yeah.

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Hmm thought it was bigger, being they get a lot of traffic. Still, it doesn't matter if they find us so long as we can out man them.

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