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100 hours.

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I have 100 hours as of like yesterday. Just lettin you all know. its not like i wanna be promoed to adept or anything... *hint hint*

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Guest Snowy
You wasted an emormous amount of space there and when we think your ready we'll promote you. Remember it's not just about the hours

and for the record you shouldn't compare to others

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Guest Guest
cath got owned again! damn

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first off. im sorry for taking up so much space.
second off i didn`t mean to compare myself to eeyle, i was just curious how you can see
eeyle fit for the adept rank (no offense to eelye) but not me. zelda, i never see you on classic
anymore, how do you know what ive done and haven`t done? the better person to ask is doomwatcher (i don't mean to drag him into this) hes been on a lot with me, and knows i haven't been sitting on the server afk to get 100 horrs logged.
and lastly, if it really takes 250- 300 hours to get the rank of adept, then why am i wasting my time on this server (i dont mean that the servers awful). oh well

youre the experts

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Guest Snowy
Well first off I'm sorry if I offended you and yes I haven't been on the server latley (I was on today) but thats cause of school. I prob don't know your capability. What I was trying to say is that when we know your ready we'll promote, also if Doom thinks you'd be fitting for adept he can tell us since he's sees you more

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A couple things Cath.
Understand that we're generally too busy to be in the server, so we've left it in the hands of people we'd promoted recently.
Not to lay the whole duty on them, but if there's an issue with promotions and they for some reason are confused with it or not they should ask us after taking a look themselves.
As for you, is there not an expert in the game at all lately?
Doom is expert, i promoted him recently. If you think he'll stick to your side of the topic, then take it to him.

Now that you've brought it up on the site, i guess i'll respond to your y/n question to..

Frankly, i don't know, again, how you are in game. I hear you've been pretty good, but zelda/z's right, hours isn't everything. The system used to be a lot tougher, but the decline in players has softened it up so frankly we're not gonna sympathize since we went through greater lengths to get promotions.. at least we think so.

Point is, go ask doom, don't complain if you don't get it and sorry but i cannot help you with this since i have not seen you ingame much at all :L

pretty much what zelda said, except in summary form.

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Guest Snowy
Talk to Doom bout it then he can respond to us

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