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oherokon inactivity

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discuss and also issue on pedobear skin.

2h since reset 1k, 0 bans

so oherokon, first of all. hes a minecraft terrorist. hes been trolling
way 2 often, and correcting people randomly- just to be annoying.

he said some of my work was bad

ex: 'this is a bus?! HAHHAHAHAH"

he ALWAYS uses /say to say things like johner54: blah blah

its funny when its a joke. he does it WAY to often, its abusing his power.

im tired of him and all hes doing. its not what an expert should do. im done with him.

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Guest Snowy
Agreeing with Moufisto

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A. Pedobear skin.

B. Power Abuse

C. Inactivity.

Alright. For A, i don't have a problem with this. Meddling with someones free will on how they look, even if vulgar, is wrong in my eyes. Pedobear's hilarious, he's a legend. I'm not seeing the real issue here? Sure there are kids, and their innocence that they don't really have should be taken into consideration(?) but it's hard to influence kids about a subject on one they have no idea what it is anyway, if they stare at the bear they're not going to see a pedophile out to rape them, they'll see some normal cute lovable bear who will rape them when they least expect it. and if they did know who this "cute lovable" bear is, then it's not our problem!

B. Power abuse.
We need records. Evidence. otherwise fuck off with the claims. not to say he didn't do it, as i fell witness to some of this, but there's a limit and i didn't see him cross it.

(that limit is using /say against others to cause fights / mislead people / hurt others and being a dick *au70galaxy style*)

C. I'm inactive most of the time. Half of us, are inactive most of the time.
We're all busy with life, please don't make AITM a decipline as opposed to a pleasure / pass time.

Also i destroyed my computer so that's why i've been inactive in the past 4-5 days.
(killed a required boot up file thinking it was a virus DURRRR :S)

All in all i want photo / text evidence, photo preferable, and cross referencing to different players who have also had the same problem with ohero before i act upon this case. <3

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fine talk to imp and gwen bout it

they are the prime accusers.

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I don't think a demotion should be placed, the complaints are 3 months old, no evidence from it anymore, inactivity is no reason for demotion and everybody that knows about pedobear knows it's a joke.

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Guest Snowy
I agree with the evidence part. I haven't seen him do this because when I was on he was afk. I haven't even talked to him yet. And..things can change from 3 months...... I think there needs to be evidence (up to date evidence). And someone needs to talk to Ohero then, his side, his arguments. And if it is true that imp and gwen have issues with Ohero as of LATELY, then I say bring her here. Let her speak

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I think calling him a "Minecraft terrorist" is taking it a bit too far, honestly. You also mention that he's been highly inactivate since the reset, so what exactly are you basing this off of? I've heard no complaints regarding his skin and/or moderation except from you, Zhuge.

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[2011-11-20 13:14:17] About Oherokon: Last seen 12h7m ago from
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] > (ClientQuit).
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] Logged in 8 time(s) since 1 Nov 2011.
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] IP is not banned, and account is exempt. See /BanInfo
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] Built 165 and deleted 21 blocks, drew 68 blocks, wrote 209
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] > messages.
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] Kicked 1 and banned 0 players.
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] Promoted from novice to expert by Zhuge 2w5d
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] > ago.
[2011-11-20 13:14:17] Spent a total of 2.9 hours (172.6 minutes) here.

thats his stats

on average a artisan has more than that

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Guest Snowy
What about the wipe? He must've had better info before the wipe I am sure. He come on for awhile! Not a lot but still. NOW artisans have that because they were here longer than him, and had the hours ect! He just recently came on! AFTER the wipe, of course our infos and times are not as great as they should be! And if imp and gwen have complaints with him RECENTLY then I say bring her here. Let her speak

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ohero's pre-crash stats:
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] About Oherokon: Last seen 14m36s ago.
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] Logged in 1018 time(s) since 17 Dec 2010.
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] Built 361277 and deleted 114746 blocks, drew 4328K blocks,
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] >wrote 35327 messages.
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] Kicked 94 and banned 35 players.
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] Promoted from adept to expert by Moufisto 8w7d ago.
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] Promotion reason: Grats!
[2011-08-23 17:48:04] Spent a total of 648.1 hours (38886.9 minutes) here.

bit old, but thought putting here as reference.

notepad++ <3

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Remember that being ons staff doesn't mean you're a moderator, it means you're there to HELP people, kay? IMO, case closed

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kevins posting a lot. cchiiiiiiii oooo____oooo

on the oher hand LOLGEDDIT? if you question inactivity in aitm in general, you're questioning a lot more than A'hero's actions.

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Someone's knocking on my door here? Ohai Mouf, welcome. My bedroom is on your right.

Oh and Hi Ohero. Long time no see.

I actually thought there would be some kind of problem here. o.o

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Ericrb wrote:
Someone's knocking on my door here? Ohai Mouf, welcome. My bedroom is on your right.

Oh and Hi Ohero. Long time no see.

I actually thought there would be some kind of problem here. o.o

I claim this house for Australia!
Go my Kangaroos!!

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kevinsweijen wrote:
....You all realize that he can read this?
Yes. I told Zhuge. I think he forgot but didn't bother removing it.

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delete the thread then since i cant edit my stuff out :3

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Guest Guest
Moufisto wrote:
on the oher hand LOLGEDDIT?

I just laughed for like a month when I read that. Please, make more.

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Are you kidding me?
This concerns Ohero, why would we keep this from him?

*plays innocent with puppy dog eyes*

no seriously. keep talkin, his presence is needed anyway.

Reading this, i'm sure you understand what's up.
Don't make me come Oher there. :/

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me and gwen didnt have any evidence , so we just dropped it. case closed, .-.

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