Ericrb 0 Posted March 31, 2012 Command listCommands:groups: g:essentials_default: permissions: - - essentials.helpop - essentials.list - essentials.motd - essentials.rules - essentials.spawn - groupmanager.notify.self g:essentials_builder: permissions: - essentials.afk - essentials.back# - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - - - - - essentials.compass - essentials.depth - essentials.getpos - essentials.home - essentials.ignore - essentials.itemdb - essentials.kit - - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - - essentials.msg - essentials.msg.color - essentials.msg.format## - essentials.nick - - - essentials.powertool## - essentials.powertooltoggle - essentials.protect - essentials.seen - essentials.sell - essentials.sethome - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.signs.use.* - essentials.signs.create.disposal - essentials.signs.create.mail - - - essentials.signs.break.disposal - essentials.signs.break.mail - - - essentials.suicide - essentials.time - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp# - essentials.warp.list - essentials.worth g:essentials_moderator: permissions:## - -essentials.spawner.enderdragon - essentials.afk.kickexempt - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.ban - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.banip - essentials.broadcast - - - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.delwarp# - - essentials.ext# - - essentials.getpos - essentials.helpop.recieve - essentials.home.others# - essentials.invsee - essentials.jails# - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.kick.notify# - essentials.kill - essentials.kit.* - essentials.msg.magic - essentials.mute - essentials.nick.color - essentials.nick.others - essentials.realname - essentials.seen.banreason - essentials.setwarp - essentials.signs.create.* - essentials.signs.break.*# - essentials.spawner# - essentials.spawner.*# - essentials.thunder - essentials.time# - essentials.time.set - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.protect.admin - essentials.protect.ownerinfo - essentials.ptime# - essentials.ptime.others - essentials.togglejail - - - - essentials.tphere# - essentials.tppos - essentials.tptoggle - essentials.unban - essentials.unbanip - essentials.warp.list# - - essentials.whois - -* - groupmanager.listgroups# - groupmanager.mandemote# - groupmanager.manpromote# - groupmanager.manselect - groupmanager.manuadd - groupmanager.manudel - groupmanager.manwhois - groupmanager.notify.other g:essentials_gamemaster:## - -essentials.spawner.enderdragon## - - - essentials.invsee## - essentials.jump## - essentials.kill## - essentials.spawner## - essentials.spawner.* - essentials.thunder - essentials.time.set## - essentials.ptime.others - - - essentials.tphere - essentials.tppos - - groupmanager.mandemote# - groupmanager.manpromote# - groupmanager.manselect g:essentials_admin: permissions: - -essentials.backup - -essentials.essentials - -essentials.setspawn - -essentials.reloadall - -essentials.plugin - essentials.* - groupmanager.mantogglevalidate - groupmanager.mansave - groupmanager.mangcheckp - groupmanager.manglistp - groupmanager.manucheckp - groupmanager.manulistp g:bukkit_default: permissions: - bukkit.broadcast.user - -bukkit.command.plugins g:bukkit_moderator: permissions: - bukkit.command.ban - bukkit.command.ban.ip - bukkit.command.ban.player## - bukkit.command.gamemode - bukkit.command.kick - bukkit.command.unban - bukkit.command.unban.ip - bukkit.command.unban.player g:bukkit_admin: permissions: - bukkit.broadcast - bukkit.broadcast.admin - bukkit.command.gamemode - bukkit.command.give - - bukkit.command.kill - bukkit.command.list - - -bukkit.command.op - -bukkit.command.op.give - -bukkit.command.op.take - bukkit.command.plugins - bukkit.command.reload - - - - - bukkit.command.say - bukkit.command.stop - bukkit.command.teleport - bukkit.command.tell - bukkit.command.time - bukkit.command.time.add - bukkit.command.time.set - bukkit.command.version - bukkit.command.whitelist - bukkit.command.whitelist.add - bukkit.command.whitelist.disable - bukkit.command.whitelist.enable - bukkit.command.whitelist.list - bukkit.command.whitelist.reload - bukkit.command.whitelist.removeIf you would like to add, delete and/or change a command/permissions, post below.# = Next rank, somewhere.## = RemovedBuilder uses Essentials_Builder and NoviceModerator uses Essentials_Moderator, Bukkit Essentials and Builder.Gamemaster uses Essentials_Gamemaster and ModeratorPlugin list:Plugins:Essetials_FullGroupManagerLWCMultiverse-CoreWorldBorderWorldEditWorldGuardIf you would like to suggest a plugin, anything except Factions, Vault and CraftIRC (because they are going to be added), post below.I won't be open to requests after as much as I am right now. Sharok on the other side, might be open to requests. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonicD3 0 Posted March 31, 2012 After factions I think that's all the server will ever need TBH. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr_TreeMan 0 Posted March 31, 2012 Plugin Request: mcMMO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ericrb 0 Posted March 31, 2012 Dr_TreeMan wrote:Plugin Request: mcMMOI will need to setup a MySQL. I feel like this plugin would take a long, long time to set up. I also think it's kindof imbalance in a PvP server because it has so many rewards.Fishing looks overpowered .Honestly, I won't be able to add this anytime soon. :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightning_po 0 Posted April 2, 2012 why did you get rid of /j , /tppos and /tp for moderator+? So what, we get all the unfun "work" commands like promoting/demoting/kick/ban , but can't tp to people? WHY? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonicD3 0 Posted April 2, 2012 lightning_po wrote:why did you get rid of /j , /tppos and /tp for moderator+? So what, we get all the unfun "work" commands like promoting/demoting/kick/ban , but can't tp to people? WHY?When did moderation become "fun"? It's always been work. Although I can see where teleport can be handy in moderation situations but it is directly not needed. We can do our jobs without it. All in all it's about trust, if we aren't trusted enough to have the power then we don't get it as this is completely different then classic. Being both a player and moderator will have difficulties because your interests are always in conflict. So you can't simply teleport to a enemy or teleport to there bases coordinates. There are a lot of situations where it can be abused. It all comes down again to if we are trusted to act responsibly when those situations arise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightning_po 0 Posted April 2, 2012 I am not remotely interested in any kind of war (look at frogger and i's fake war that never really ended or began with any reason). I just want to build my base and give people free melons. Just because something can be abused, doesn't mean that it will be. Moderation doesn't have to be fun, but it should feel somewhat rewarding. AT VERY LEAST we need the /tp and /tphere for grief situations. I highly doubt griefers will accept a tpa from a moderator. Also, If I can't have fun as a moderator, why play?*edit* IMO This just shows how much Eric truly trusts us. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnsonTea 0 Posted April 3, 2012 Is there a way to change the colour of the texts that are found on the signs? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ericrb 0 Posted April 3, 2012 JohnsonTea wrote:Is there a way to change the colour of the texts that are found on the signs?Spoiler:Colors Table! (by jeffreylec)&0 - black&1 - dark blue&2 - dark green&3 - teal&4 - dark red&5 - dark purple&6 - orange&7 - light gray&8 - dark gray&9 - light blue&a - light green&b - cyan&c - light red&d - light purple&e - yellow&f - white Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnsonTea 0 Posted April 4, 2012 May I have a sample on how to use them? I did &2Hello and &2 Hi and it still stayed blackSuggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frogger409 0 Posted April 4, 2012 Lightning, I think that since this server is still being put together, we can expect changes. Maybe for now, since there isn't really any need for moderating commands(people on server are mason+ so they have a good amount of trust), we got them removed. Since the server is going open once everything is fixed up, there will be a need for moderation and then perhaps then we'll get the tools for that back. Also, I don't think it's a matter of Eric trusting us, it's a matter of viewing it through the right perspective. Right now we really don't need them, and also Eric wants to get the pvp aspect up and running. We can't very well just tp to whoever and kill them if we want that to work. Ofc, it doesn't mean he thinks we'll do it, it's just that he wants to get used to normal pvp. Eric has been working quite hard to get this server going good, and it's not even his server. I think he deserves some appreciation for it, rather than knocking him down when he does something that we don't really like.I think we should just wait and see what Eric has planned for the server instead of knocking it down halfway through the construction process.(Note: These are all my opinions on this matter. I have not confirmed any of this with Eric, it is just my perspective on these things.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonicD3 0 Posted April 4, 2012 I like what you said frogger except on the server there is not much trust. People griefing stuff, people stealing stuff. Lot's of he did this, she did that and servers not even public yet. Moderators are still needed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightning_po 0 Posted April 6, 2012 is a plugin like /roll possible? It wouldn't take much to code it. I been gambling, and it makes me seem like I'm cheating when I have to use classic's /roll If their computer can't handle both. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites