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1.2.5 update for SMP?

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I just checked Bukkit.org today and I saw a recommended build for MC 1.2.5

Does that mean we will update? (Since we just did not long ago)


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Let's wait a bit :

Notable bugs:
"Pick Block" bugs :
Gives the block's drop rather than the block itself. For example, picking Stone will give Cobblestone, picking a Grass Block will give Dirt, a Gravel block will give Gravel or Flint, Leaves will give a Sapling, Snow Plate gives a Snowball and so on.
If you try to pick the front of a extended piston, it will give you the piston arm block.
While your crosshair is on any part of any mob, you will get Bedrock.
When you pick Lapis Lazuli ore it will give you an Ink sac.
When picking a cake you get the actual cake block instead of the item.
When picking normal seeds placed on farmland you will get the seed block itself named 'crops'.
When picking melon or pumpkin seeds placed on farmland you get a glitch block.
"Never open links from people that you don't trust!" should be red, it's 1% red (and 99% white) instead.


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O.o that is a long list of bugs well thanks for informing me Eric.

approve NOTCH ISH GUILTY! And jeb.

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