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About Zaynyboy

  • Birthday 10/18/1913
  1. Zaynyboy

    War declared

    Don't worry. It's normal. It's his job to declare wars (and deliver milk)
  2. i take it u like to chew on ur wires ? <.< I do eat a lot of stuff. (mostly chips) But I don't eat Mah wires. The rats do. >.> You have rats? <.< I do indeed. They crawl on top of the ceiling and under the floor boards. It's like their mansion.
  3. i take it u like to chew on ur wires ? <.< I do eat a lot of stuff. (mostly chips) But I don't eat Mah wires. The rats do. >.>
  4. Did you check if any of the wires were ripped or bitten? Will the PC turn on?
  5. And I thought I understood this language.
  6. o.o I absolutely loved the void rays one (Second link)
  7. What do you think?Why do you think eric posted that? ._. Common sense I don't know what Eric's post meant I'm a cow I dont have common sense Moo.
  8. BUT WHY? What happened Christina? Notch is saaad.
  9. Zaynyboy

    War declared

    D: That's my job. I got my ketchup ready as well...
  10. If you decide to change your mind I'm a size small
  11. I put all the answers to those comments in the description of the video, except the full screen, which it was set on, I just couldnt figure out how to cut out the little thing at the bottom. Press F11
  12. I checked your video pung, and it was super laggy. Can you do something to sort the lag out please? Also try doing some commentries. Another thing, can you play it on full screen? -Zayny.
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