DemonicD3 0 Posted April 25, 2012 If you voted yes for the server refresh, please list a detailed reason of why you wanted it refreshed and what you want added/removed or changed. If you voted no, for refresh reason you can leave blank or give a reason why you wish the server not to be refreshed. Refresh reason:Additions you want made:Things you want removed:Detailed reason of what you think the server should be about:Example, Refresh reason: I think the server should be refreshed so everybody can start out equal, where everything is a new beginning. Additions you want made: A arena modification might be cool, allowing for any PVP players to setup a detailed arena system where they can do there PVP thing away from other players. Things you want removed: I think the server is fine as it is, towny for instance was the best thing that happened to this server. Never before had I seen so many AITM players work together before, things were organized. Everybody had a organization to belong to, people helped build entire towns and shared resources. People farmed and shared profits. Detailed reason of what you think the server should be about: I realize that not everybody is PVP based, as those who are neutral should know that not everybody likes to farm and mine all day. Minecraft is both a farming, mining, building and fighting game. The trick would be to find a common ground for both parties. What I liked about towny was that besides for what was labeled above about organization and teamwork. It split players up who were neutral and PVP. There were PVP nations, there were neutral nations, there were PVP towns, there were neutral towns. You know exactly who was neutral or open to PVP by what nation or town they were with. I've never attacked anybody that was neutral, I've only attacked those who provoked by stealing, griefing or PVPing. I've even gone as far as protecting some neutral players from hostile PVP players. This is what I think the atmosphere should be like, neutral players can do there neutral thing. PVP players only PVP players who are PVP or any neutral players who steal, grief as above. You can't remain neutral if you do those acts as has been common on this server. Players claim neutrality, then they PVP others or steal from others. Those players come after them, then they claim neutrality again and rage quit. Need a common ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhuge 0 Posted April 25, 2012 Refresh reason: Think server should be wiped cause people still have access to old worlds, like main etc. In addition, it would give everyone a fresh startAdditions you want made:more antihack/xray plugins, ways to set up buffers distinguishing pvp/pve areas (might be possible using towny)Things you want removed:gamemode, theres no need for this when a majority of it has been used for abuse.Detailed reason of what you think the server should be about:I honestly think the server should be focused on PVE with a PVP arena or system.the towny plugin would work for that Like a spawn town, a nether base, a pvp town, a mining town etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ericrb 0 Posted April 25, 2012 Refresh reason :Clearing 250gb of backups, deleting some bandwidth intensive plugins and reconfiguring them to be more efficient. Refreshing will also help me to reorganize the server correctly.Additions you want made:Arena system. I need to check if the players can build the arena or if it's automatically generated.Adding a special rank for AITM members who are ranked mason+Adding shops with limited items.Things you want removed:The whole economy plugin. I want the players to make their own shops. This will reduce the wasted time of farming because nobody wants to buy 36 stacks of pumpkins.Detailed reason:If I remove the /sell thingy, I will need to find another way for people to make money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnsonTea 0 Posted April 25, 2012 Refresh Reason: Imperium will fall apart, Arcadia is already is, More little ones will be free for Lazor and Micke to kill.A fresh start for troublemakers. Starting a group with whom you trust and who to target for >Making the server more legit -> no more copy and paste >.<I don't mind starting over even with my collection of 674 diamonds... meh had a blast.X ray incidents. Diamonds are found in a cheap manner... refreshing the map would make server legit since of anti xray.Neverwinter fell -> A new chance for them to catch up.Caelum -> Ribbit, they're fineSSCG -> you guys don't mind of course. You guys are top in cash... you guys can make that amount in no time XDTowny is great. We now know the consequence when you run out of cash... Changes: the cost of nations and towns since its now a fresh start and people won't have access to large farms anymore.Suggestion for People to make money:You can have a sign at spawn that buys items from player. Perhaps common items such as dirt, cobble and wood, coal etc minus farm stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HollowThanatos 0 Posted April 25, 2012 Refresh Reason:With all the new people i think a new start would be good in terms of making it fair for everyone.Changes:An arena definitely sounds cool. If one needs to be made I do have a pretty good idea for an arena that can be Player vs Player or Player vs Monster. In my opinion, I think a new rank should be added. almost exactly identical to the standard builder except this rank would be used for war. The main difference is that builders can use /back. As I see it the only issue this might have is determining who is part of a war. as i see it the best thing to do would to have any participant "register" on the forum, and if someone who isn't registered interferes then he/she will be forced to pay a fine. Just a thought though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frogger409 0 Posted April 25, 2012 Refresh reason: I think that it'd be good to start over from scratch. There's a lot of issues going on now. People keep leaving for one reason or another and overall, I don't think the server is very united :/ If we refresh and go with a different approach, maybe things could be better and we'd be able to have the people who left return.Additions you want made: I'd like a smaller world. If people are going to go off and build on their own, away from people, they might as well just play SSP. That way, people wouldn't be too far from each other, should they want to visit each others' home. Also, like eric said, I really don't like the current economy. We should make the economy shop-based. I'd also like more ranks and also want to add a way of rewarding people for leveling up. We can figure out the ranks later, but make them have a use.Edit: The economy should be based on lilipads. Make it like sand-dollars that were used before. Buy and sell using lilies as paper money. Yes... I think it could work... Excellent.... (btw, Zhuge thought of this)Things you want removed: I'd like the removal of Nations. I think it'd be better if the server were town-based, rather than nation-based. Also, I think that a lot of the commands should be removed at the beginning (sethome, warp, tpa, etc.) so that people can EARN these commands. Detailed reason of what you think the server should be about: I think the server should be about promoting unity in the community. Recently I don't think that's been the case and it seems as though the server is falling apart because of people leaving. Rather that having the server pvp focused, we should make it focused on towns, and give them reason for working in towns rather than alone. Reasons such as creepers won't blow up your house, your belongings will be protected, maybe a bonus for shops. These sort of things to promote unity This is my vision for AITM SMP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HollowThanatos 0 Posted April 25, 2012 I like the idea of earning commands over time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikewater 0 Posted April 25, 2012 Refresh Reason:People have joined while people have been playing for like 6 months... That is an unfair advantage to the new people in our server Additions you want made:I wondered if there could be like a donater rank and a trusted rank.Basically more ranks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ericrb 0 Posted April 25, 2012 I can't make more ranks. There's not 100000 permissions. I tried to squeeze some permissions out of builder to make Veteran...Spoiler:groups: g:essentials_novice: permissions: - - essentials.helpop - essentials.list - essentials.motd - essentials.rules - essentials.spawn - groupmanager.notify.self - g:essentials_builder: permissions: - essentials.afk - essentials.balance - essentials.balancetop - essentials.home - essentials.ignore - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - - essentials.msg - - essentials.protect - essentials.sethome - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.signs.use.* - essentials.signs.create.disposal - essentials.signs.create.mail - - essentials.signs.break.disposal - essentials.signs.break.mail - - essentials.suicide - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.worth g:essentials_veteran: permissions: - essentials.balance.others - - - - - essentials.compass - essentials.depth - essentials.itemdb - essentials.msg.color - essentials.msg.format - - essentials.seen - essentials.time g:essentials_gamemaster: permissions: - essentials.ban - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.banip - essentials.broadcast - - - essentials.jails - essentials.kick - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.msg.magic - essentials.mute - essentials.realname - essentials.seen.banreason - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.protect.admin - essentials.protect.ownerinfo - essentials.ptime - essentials.togglejail - essentials.tptoggle - essentials.unban - essentials.unbanip - essentials.whois - groupmanager.listgroups - groupmanager.manuadd - groupmanager.manudel - groupmanager.notify.other g:essentials_admin: permissions: - -essentials.backup - -essentials.essentials - -essentials.setspawn - -essentials.reloadall - -essentials.plugin - essentials.* - groupmanager.mantogglevalidate - groupmanager.mansave - groupmanager.mangcheckp - groupmanager.manglistp - groupmanager.manucheckp - groupmanager.manulistp g:bukkit_novice: permissions: - bukkit.broadcast.user - -bukkit.command.plugins g:bukkit_gamemaster: permissions: - bukkit.command.ban - bukkit.command.ban.ip - bukkit.command.ban.player - bukkit.command.kick - bukkit.command.unban - bukkit.command.unban.ip - bukkit.command.unban.player g:bukkit_admin: permissions: - bukkit.broadcast - bukkit.broadcast.admin - bukkit.command.gamemode - bukkit.command.give - - bukkit.command.kill - bukkit.command.list - - -bukkit.command.op - -bukkit.command.op.give - -bukkit.command.op.take - bukkit.command.plugins - bukkit.command.reload - - - - - bukkit.command.say - bukkit.command.stop - bukkit.command.teleport - bukkit.command.tell - bukkit.command.time - bukkit.command.time.add - bukkit.command.time.set - bukkit.command.version - bukkit.command.whitelist - bukkit.command.whitelist.add - bukkit.command.whitelist.disable - bukkit.command.whitelist.enable - bukkit.command.whitelist.list - bukkit.command.whitelist.reload - bukkit.command.whitelist.remove g:towny_builder: permissions: -* - towny.nation.* - - - - towny.wild.destroy.6 - towny.wild.destroy.14 - towny.wild.destroy.15 - towny.wild.destroy.16 - - towny.wild.destroy.17 - towny.wild.destroy.18 - towny.wild.destroy.21 - towny.wild.destroy.31 - towny.wild.destroy.37 - towny.wild.destroy.38 - towny.wild.destroy.39 - towny.wild.destroy.40 - towny.wild.destroy.50 - towny.wild.destroy.56 - towny.wild.destroy.73 - towny.wild.destroy.74 - towny.wild.destroy.78 - towny.wild.destroy.81 - towny.wild.destroy.82 - towny.wild.destroy.83 - towny.wild.destroy.86 - towny.wild.destroy.103 - towny.wild.destroy.106 - towny.wild.destroy.111 - towny.wild.destroy.115 g:towny_gamemaster: permissions: - - towny.wild.switch.64 - - - - - g:towny_admin: permissions: - towny.admin - -towny.wild.destroy.119 - -towny.wild.destroy.120 -, when you guys say that we have an unfair advantage over new players, that totally fine. When you join a game, they won't wipe the whole thing just because you're new. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sloth5950 0 Posted April 26, 2012 Something Extra possbily?!: I think it would be cool if we "congratulated" a lot of the older players that have been on the classic and smp server combined for over year or certain amount of time with something in front of their name. i don't believe that finding a plugin for this would be easy. ( i'll get back to you on that one) but in the mean time we could use /nicknames and just add a * or +, something really simple in front of someones name just to recognise how much time they have put into the server :3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites