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Swastika Insta-ban

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As far as i know, a swastika usally means the builder gets demoted and/or banned right then. I was wanting to see if this unspoken rule could be changed, since some people dont think the symbol itself isn't that bad, and its not even in the /rules.

I'm not saying make it ok, just that there's a warning, and tell them to take it down.

And for an example of "dont think its that bad," i made a WW2 german-themed bunker complex when i was novice, and probably would have put a swastika flag on it, if it didn't have to be like 10x10 to see what it was.

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Majority if not all the people who put up swastikas are either trolls (should be banned), or neo-nazi's (should be banned). Regardless of what the 10 year old's reasons are for putting it up there, its usually in a negative context. The swastika itself is not offensive. You have to add a few things to it before it can be a nazi symbol but bare minimum the swastika has nothing to do with nazis or anything offense and negative. So really its up to you how to want to deal with them.

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Actually, the way they're made by people IS nazistic, you have to turn it around and add 4 dots for it to be budhistic.
But please keep it instaban.

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The thing that pretty much separates nazi swastikas from others is the colors, and often a 45 degree tilt, but the people just make the shape, so its pretty much impossible to determine are they making it for the shock or good luck wishing. But it's pretty safe to say that vast majority of them are made to troll, cause non-nazi swastikas have pretty much vanished from the western world after nazis.

I'd say its better kept as instaban, but if you want to build some WWII scenery / buddhist temple / something with it, discuss it with higher mods first and build it in a private world, cause even if its not intented to idolize nazis, it could shock and anger people if it was in an open world.

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Ever since the Nazi Party adopted the swastika, many countries have banned public display of it. Including:

In Poland, public display of Nazi symbols, including the
Nazi swastika, is a criminal offence punishable by up to eight years in

Germany, there are little to no exception on publicly
displaying the swastika and is punishable by, no more than 3 years in
prison. The swastikas on Hindu and Jain temples are exempt, as religious
symbols cannot be banned.

Brazil, in Brazil the use of,
or distribution of any Nazi symbol or swastika is punishable by a two
to five years prison term and a fine.

All that being said, AITM is an INTERNATIONAL server, meaning if someone builds something that is illegal in some countries to display, and since we are displaying it digitally, we are breaking the law in some countries.

CONTINUE TO INSTA-BAN unless you want to /up it, /unfreeze, explain why its wrong, argue with a troll about its use as a religious symbol, and end up banning him for something stupid (and probably unrelated) anyways. Cool

When it comes to swastika use in PRIVATE , PERSONAL worlds, as long as its not in the main world list, it's not really public, and therefore we cannot be held liable for it.

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