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Franc hacking?

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Okay so i was wondering what nodus was and i searched it on youtube........ apparently its a hack clinet so just thought i should bring this up

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Looks like I had to get that good ol' plugin.

Newbie something is banned for :

  • 12.06.20 17:25:32 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.knockback: tried to do a knockback but wasn't technically sprinting. VL 98.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:37 [INFO] Lazorxx failed fight.direction: tried to interact with a block out of line of sight. VL 7.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:39 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.instantheal: tried to regenerate health faster than normal. VL 4.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:40 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.knockback: tried to do a knockback but wasn't technically sprinting. VL 148.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:40 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.instantheal: tried to regenerate health faster than normal. VL 6.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:41 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed moving.waterwalk. VL 107.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:42 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.direction: tried to interact with a block out of line of sight. VL 7.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:43 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.instantheal: tried to regenerate health faster than normal. VL 7.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:44 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.instantheal: tried to regenerate health faster than normal. VL 16.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:45 [INFO] Newbie_Legends failed fight.direction: tried to interact with a block out of line of sight. VL 20.
  • 12.06.20 17:25:46 [INFO] Newbie_Legends in AITM at XX.XX,XX.XX,XX.XX moving to XX.XX,XX.XX,XX.XX over distance 0.00,0.00,0.00 failed check moving.waterwalk. Total violation level so far 407.

XX = Hiding coords

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Oh yeah. For Franco, last chance. Thanks Mike.

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