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Perm Banned

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Umm you know those pesky ender pearls right? So i ender pearled up to a platform with some signs on them. I see they say [time] day [time] night [weather] sun [weather] rain. so i right clicked some of them next thing i know i get banned for hacking. Number 1 I wasnt hacking, 2 if you dont want people changing the time dont put signs. T=You guys are op anyways so you can just do /time day. I dont understand the point of me getting perm banned for changing the time / weather a few times. I will have a poll at the bottom of this that will go for 1 wekk saying do you think i should be perm banned.

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applefreak197 wrote:
Umm you know those pesky ender pearls right? So i ender pearled up to a platform with some signs on them. I see they say [time] day [time] night [weather] sun [weather] rain. so i right clicked some of them next thing i know i get banned for hacking. Number 1 I wasnt hacking, 2 if you dont want people changing the time dont put signs. T=You guys are op anyways so you can just do /time day. I dont understand the point of me getting perm banned for changing the time / weather a few times. I will have a poll at the bottom of this that will go for 1 wekk saying do you think i should be perm banned.

Apple if you see signs with those info, the smart thing to do is....leave them alone it's so simple to do

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Apple your perm banned there's nothing you can do. Here's some simple advice for the next server you go on "Use common sence bro" I will kinda miss you to admit it apple you were a good minecraft classic friend and you can still come on classic to visit me maybe Smile But I just won't see you on smp Sad

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fire_crafter100 wrote:
Apple your perm banned there's nothing you can do. Here's some simple advice for the next server you go on "Use common sence bro" I will kinda miss you to admit it apple you were a good minecraft classic friend Bye Sad

lol apple still has Classic

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gamemasters cant use /time
only eric can.

you messed up.


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Well apple you should know the rules by now but yet you still break them so it's your own fault of getting banned and this incident isn't only 1, you have many incidents and Eric has let you off so many times

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so i will never see smp again huh? ok well bye guys hope you have the best of time without me on smp, good luck ~apple and i hope i can get on smp again sometime and see you guys even though most people hate me

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mikewater wrote:
wait what? we can not use those signs? well i never have been told that... -.-

you use them?

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Sheppard250 wrote:
mikewater wrote:
wait what? we can not use those signs? well i never have been told that... -.-

you use them?

no but i was never told that i couldnt use them

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[2012-09-09 14:44:28] (IRC) MlgTom213: you should hear apple's reaction right now
[2012-09-09 14:44:29] (IRC) MlgTom213: XD

[2012-09-09 14:44:35] Fire_Crafter: Show me
[2012-09-09 14:44:45] Fire_Crafter: What is it?
[2012-09-09 14:44:51] (IRC) MlgTom213: my reaction to being banned : well thats it
[2012-09-09 14:44:51] > for me D:

[2012-09-09 14:44:56] ZackeryM connected again, joined Entrance
[2012-09-09 14:45:00] (IRC) MlgTom213: apples : WTF IM GOING ON THE FORUM
[2012-09-09 14:45:06] Tytaniumfeet11_: hello
[2012-09-09 14:45:07] (IRC) MlgTom213: THIS IS BS

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masteronion wrote:
Why are these signs accessible to players if only GMs are supposed to use them?

Good Question

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masteronion wrote:
Why are these signs accessible to players if only GMs are supposed to use them?

Yes i have asked this question many times in the span i was banned :/ you should at least make it out of pearling range or not make them at all

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If you can see very well, it says

The spawn was original in 11014GRF's world for an upgrade from the 1.2.5 spawn. I'm assuming that Eric just copied and pasted the spawn into the main world without noticing that the signs were placed there. The signs may have been place there to make it easier to upgrade the spawn without the interference of the darkness or a stormy weather.

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It is my fault that I left them there.
It is my fault if they had permissions* to use them.
*There are individual permissions for every type of signs, but I was too lazy to remove some of them. Why remove heal permissions when no one can create heal signs. So I left all of them available.

Zhuge told me that John asked them to stop, but apparently they did not.
(I don't know why there wasn't a kick here.)

Did they get warned? I have no idea.

Why not just find a way to prevent them (temp ban) and ask me to remove the signs...

That's what I'm going to do, but uh... My new card died. I don't think it's the card though...

Guild Wars 2 crashed my drivers and it just won't work again. Reinstall / clean, blablabla doesn't work.

So see you after I re install Windows ^^

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He never gave us a warned john told us to stopped we did it 1 more time then we stopped but a a few mins. later we were permed ban so this might mean i get to see smp again after all?! if so yay!

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applefreak197 wrote:
He never gave us a warned john told us to stopped we did it 1 more time then we stopped but a a few mins. later we were permed ban so this might mean i get to see smp again after all?! if so yay!

Apple you should have stopped when John first said stop

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Ericrb wrote:

Did they get warned? I have no idea.

After I said "guys stop it"
I said "kickable"
It that considered a warn?

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See this is the kind of stuff I've always had problems with, people namely mods leave out things that players should not have and when somebody abuses them they don't take any consideration for the fact they shouldn't have been there in the first place if they diddn't want players to use it. It's like that LB tool, mods used a tool that gave them bedrock that they used for mod purposes and when they get killed they drop these items and punish any players that pick them up. Players can't tell if a mod is patrolling there server or not and not there fault because of some faulty plugin.

However, again apple. It's quite clear you shouldn't have touched it. You know this, everybody knows it. It's common sense. You did it anyways and this is the result. Should you actually be let back in or you find another server, let that be a lesson to use some common sense next time.

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My two cents, one shouldn't be banned for higherups leaving stuff that they can do damage with.

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kevinsweijen wrote:
My two cents, one shouldn't be banned for higherups leaving stuff that they can do damage with.

Well Kev, they weren't listening when John told them to knock it off. They shouldn't have spammed the time of day and weather over and over again. They should have known not to be stupid and spam it, I was there to witness it and they kept doing it for like 5 minutes. Also Apple has screwed up before so this isn't the first time. Yeah it might have been a little dumb to put signs like that in someones reach but it's no excuse they should have stopped! I think they should stay banned Kev.

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Imo, both the higher ups and the players involved were to blame for the incident. Using the signs didn't cause any permanent damage, right? Just leave this as a "for future reference" thing and move on. No need to ban.

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My two cents? Everyone has a bit of blame:

Apple: if told to stop, stop. Also, don't screw with stuff that looks like it shouldn't be screwed with.

Mods: Clean stuff up, and just be a bit more careful (no accusations). Also, a temp ban/kick would have been more appropriate.

Also in my opinion, enderpearls should be disabled. They need to picked up, but just don't allow them to be thrown. Problem solved, removing a glitchy thing in the game anyways. People can't pearl through doors and whatnot.

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I already said it was my fault, what are you trying to add?

They are unbanned.


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