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aitm vanilla

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Mess around mostly. Seeing as there is only two ranks and no drawing commands. Pretty much all you can do is build by hand and shoot people with /gun.

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Basicly what volt is saying is, vanilla is that place where people visit that are too poor to buy Minecraft or too lazy to pirate it and as such are stuck in the free to play version that tries its best to make itself interesting.

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DemonicD3 wrote:
Basicly what volt is saying is, vanilla is that place where people visit that are too poor to buy Minecraft or too lazy to pirate it and as such are stuck in the free to play version that tries its best to make itself interesting.

Well what is the difference between classic and vanilla then?
People who visit classic are too poor to buy minecraft

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Not only poor. Maybe someone doesn't have a credit card. Strict parents who doesn't want buy the game for them. Yeah, link bank with PayPal. They probably doesn't have the full access of their banking account anyways. Or if you're like Doom, he doesn't even want to buy SMP.

At least on classic you can play with other players, even though it's dead right now.
If you pirate the game, you can only play alone or in some weird cracked servers. Servers where people can steal your name. Or maybe they have a login plugin.

Classic vanilla is a good idea, but like I said to Onion, he's splitting a player-base of 1.
So we get random novices everywhere, can't even learn from them cause you need to switch server everytime.

Tbh, I'll just stick to the normal server, unless everyone goes in vanilla.

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