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Invisible Damage

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So last night I was on smp and I was exploring the map and when it started to rain. I started taking damage from nothing I turned 360 no mobs at all in sight my food bar was full. I ran away from the area and was still taking damage from nothing. I assumed it was lag so I relogged and was in the same area... still nothing, just taking damage from something invisible. For sure it was no endermen cause if I turned around that much I would be able to see it, defiantly was no skeleton didn't see any arrows and they don't chase you that far. I ended up just disconnecting at 2 hearts. Has anyone experienced this type of glitch before or do they know a solution to it?

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Hm strange must be something up with the game itself. Well anyways I actually finally escaped it at half a heart. I ran off and spawned away, maybe it was a mob could have been a bat but I didn't hear any bat sounds, its just plain strange...

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Bats don't hit, are you sure it wasn't a player with a invis pot of overpoweredness?

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he was the only one on. When I woke up at 4 45 am, I saw one person on in the long in menu then decided to go to sleep. Thought it was neicensy online xD

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